A study of the effects of Jungian types on mathematics achievement of private high school girls in North Sydney
Teo, C. T., & Hotchkis, G. (1993, September 23-25). A study of the effects of Jungian types on mathematics achievement of private high school girls in North Sydney [Paper presentation]. ERA Conference, Singapore.
This study investigated the effects of general personality attributes of extraversion and introversion, and mental functions of sensing, intuition, thinking and feeling on mathematics achievement of private high school girls in North Sydney via the MyersBriggs Type Indicator (Form G). Results of two independent t-tests showed that extraverted girls had significantly lower mean mathematics scores than introverts. Subjects who preferred judgmental processes were found to have significantly higher mean mathematics scores than those who preferred ·perceptive processes. Further analysis using two 2x2 ANOVAs for modes of perception (sensing-intuition) and judgment (thinking/feeling) yielded a significant thinking-feeling main effect for perceptive subjects. There was no significant results for judgmental subjects. No interaction effect was reported in both cases. Stepwise regression of all independent variables on mathematics scores in the final analysis indicated that only 14% of mathematics performance could be explained by the subjects' perceptiveness of the outer world.
Date Issued
September 1993