Perspectives in motivating educators and learners: A report of the NIE TE21 roundtable discussion
National Institute of Education (Singapore)
Date Issued
National Institute of Education (Singapore)
"On 22 January 2010, NIE held a TE21 Roundtable Discussion on the theme “Meeting
the Challenges of the 21st Century: Implications for Teacher Education and Development”.
Two renowned experts on motivation from the University of Rochester in the United
States, Professor Edward Deci and Professor Richard Ryan, creators of the Self‐
Determination Theory and consultants for the newly‐established NIE Motivation in
Education Research Laboratory (MERL) led the dialogue on the key motivational challenges related to building values in students, teachers and teacher educators, as well as raising teacher professionalism in the new 21st century educational landscape."--p. 3.
the Challenges of the 21st Century: Implications for Teacher Education and Development”.
Two renowned experts on motivation from the University of Rochester in the United
States, Professor Edward Deci and Professor Richard Ryan, creators of the Self‐
Determination Theory and consultants for the newly‐established NIE Motivation in
Education Research Laboratory (MERL) led the dialogue on the key motivational challenges related to building values in students, teachers and teacher educators, as well as raising teacher professionalism in the new 21st century educational landscape."--p. 3.