Teacher job satisfaction and some associated variables in Singapore
Sim, W.-K. (1988, April 5-9). Teacher job satisfaction and some associated variables in Singapore [Paper presentation]. Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
Sim, Wong Kooi
Questionnaire responses from 926 secondary school teachers were analysed in order to relate various background characteristics variables (classified as Personal Characteristics, Professional Characteristics and School Characteristics) and job characteristics variables (divided into Conditions of Work, Roles and Responsibilities, and Teaching Practices) to teacher job satisfaction variables. Using factor analysis, the 2 factors of Overall Satisfaction and Work Orientation were regressed on selected background characteristics variables as well as sets of higher order factors of the job characteristics variables. Arising from multiple regression analyses, Conducive Work Environment, Opportunities for Professional Development and Teacher-Pupil Rapport were found to be most predictive of Overall Satisfaction, whereas Professional Autonomy, Pastoral Role and Pupil Behaviour Control were most likely to be associated with Work Orientation. Comparisons with the findings from the analysis of interview results and from cross-cultural comparisons among the countries involved in the major study are strongly urged for arriving at more definitive suggestions for improving teacher job satisfaction.
Date Issued
American Educational Research Association