Uchapan dasar Ketua Satu [Basic speech by Chairman One]
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Ucapan dasar Ketua Satu
Muhammad Ariff Ahmad. (1964). Uchapan dasar Ketua Satu [Basic speech by Chairman One; Speech transcript]. https://hdl.handle.net/10497/20193
Muhammad Ariff bin Ahmad
Penyampai menyatakan keinginannya supaya Hari Asas '50 dijadikan acara tahunan. Penyampai menukil sejarah penubuhan Asas '50 dan mengharapkan yang tiap-tiap anggota Asas '50 membarui tekad perjuangan mencapai cita-cita Asas '50. Jawatankuasa Minggu Bahasa Kebangsaan Asas '50 telah menyediakan acara untuk sambutan Hari Asas '50. Di antaranya adalah ceramah yang merupakan kajian-kajian tentang perkembangan kesusasteraan di masa kini yang akan dibentangkan oleh penceramah jemputan.
The speaker talk about the history of Asas '50 and his hope that Asas '50 Day will become an annual event and that every member of Asas '50 should together renew their determination towards achieving the ambitions of Asas '50. The Asas '50 national language week committee has prepared three events for the day. One of these events are lectures by two speakers about their research on the current development of literature.
Date Issued
August 23, 1964
Speech delivered at the Hari Asas ‘50, 23 August 1964, Dewan Bahasa dan Kebudayaan, Singapore