汉语作为第二语言交际性进阶测试 (Progressive testing of communicative skills for Chinese as a second language learners)
As China experiences tremendous economic growth in the past three decades, Chinese language has undergone remarkable development and is fast becoming a global language after global English. While it has provided the opportunities for Chinese language to penetrate towards the community of non-native Chinese speakers, it has also posted a lot of challenges for the Chinese language professionals. Among them is the enormous challenge of constructing an assessment framework for CL2 learners with varied language background and proficiency, which is what this research aims to develop.
There are altogether eight chapters in this thesis. Chapter one offers an overall introduction, analyzing the background, stating the purpose, timeliness and scope of the study. Chapter two is a theoretical review and analysis of second language competence, communicative language ability and test methods in language testing arena. Chapter three highlights the working definitions of CL2 testing, communicative testing and progressive testing, followed by the construction of a set of tools for evaluating test validity and reliability. Chapter four to six evaluates 8 different Chinese proficiency examinations commonly sat by CL2 learners from the outer circle and the expanding circle of Chinese language, focusing on the design of authentic communicative tasks and the supplementary role of learners’ L1 in the testing of second language proficiency. Chapter seven introduces the progressive framework for the testing of communicative skills for CL2 learners, demonstrates with sample test tasks designed based on various types of authentic communicative tasks. The final chapter is an exploration of the contributions and limitations of this research and a discussion on related research projects than can be undertaken in the future.
There are altogether eight chapters in this thesis. Chapter one offers an overall introduction, analyzing the background, stating the purpose, timeliness and scope of the study. Chapter two is a theoretical review and analysis of second language competence, communicative language ability and test methods in language testing arena. Chapter three highlights the working definitions of CL2 testing, communicative testing and progressive testing, followed by the construction of a set of tools for evaluating test validity and reliability. Chapter four to six evaluates 8 different Chinese proficiency examinations commonly sat by CL2 learners from the outer circle and the expanding circle of Chinese language, focusing on the design of authentic communicative tasks and the supplementary role of learners’ L1 in the testing of second language proficiency. Chapter seven introduces the progressive framework for the testing of communicative skills for CL2 learners, demonstrates with sample test tasks designed based on various types of authentic communicative tasks. The final chapter is an exploration of the contributions and limitations of this research and a discussion on related research projects than can be undertaken in the future.
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