Kertas ucapan kepada tamu dan peserta "Perkampungan Sastra 73" [Speech delivered to the guests and participants of the "Perkampungan Sastra 73"]
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Ucapan pembukaan Ketua 1 ASAS '50
Muhammad Ariff Ahmad. (1973). Kertas ucapan kepada tamu dan peserta "Perkampungan Sastra 73" [Speech delivered to the guests and participants of the "Perkampungan Sastra 73"; Speech transcript]. https://hdl.handle.net/10497/20124
Muhammad Ariff bin Ahmad
Kertas ucapan ini telah di sampaikan di perkampungan sastera pada tahun 1973. Penyampai membincangkan tentang 'tatatertib dan tatacara perkampungan' yang merangkumi aktiviti, apresiasi dan kreativiti sastera. Penyampai menyebut tentang aktiviti sastra.
This speech was presented at a literary festival in 1973. The speaker discusses on the events that would be covered during the festival such as activities, appreciation and creating literary pieces. Also discussed were 'pestakarya ' and 'pestaria' activities which are to be enjoyed in informal but practical ways. The speaker also shared on the term 'penghulu balai' which refers to the village administration system organized and used during the classical literary era.
Date Issued
August 4, 1973
Opening speech delivered at the Perkampungan Sastra 73, 4 August 1973, Khemah
Percutian Tanah Merah, Singapore
Percutian Tanah Merah, Singapore