Buona Vista Secondary School Speech Day 1980
Muhammad Ariff Ahmad. (1980). Buona Vista Secondary School Speech Day 1980 [Speech transcript]. https://hdl.handle.net/10497/20112
Muhammad Ariff bin Ahmad
Ucapan - sempena Hari Ucapan dan majlis penyampaian hadiah di Sekolah Menengah Bouna Vista. Penyampai ucapan menyentuh tentang pencapaian sekolah dan memetik mesej Pengetua sekolah mengenai kepentingan untuk berjaya dalam pendidikan. Beliau juga menekankan pentingnya tabiat membaca sebagai suatu kaedah untuk memperolehi pengetahuan.
Speech - presented at the Bouna Vista Secondary Schools' annual Speech Day and prize-giving ceremony. Speaker highlights on the school's achievements and quotes the school Principal's message on the importance being successful in education. He stresses on the importance of reading as a means of acquiring knowledge.
Date Issued
August 1, 1980