Co-construction of the reluctant reader: Evaluating the reading curriuclum
Tan, Angela Gek Hong
Loh, Jason Kok Khiang
This qualitative case study investigates the rising issue of aliteracy by exploring the reasons behind students' reluctance to read. Focusing on six reluctant readers from two established primary schools in Singapore, the study adopts a multifaceted approach that integrates cognitive, psychological, and socio-cultural perspectives. To identify the participants, the Motivation to Read Profile-Revised (MPR-R) Survey (Malloy et al., 2013) and the Reading Engagement Index (REI) (Wigfield et al., 2008a) were utilised, providing self-reports and observational evaluations, respectively, though no quantitative data was collected. Additionally, interviews with reading teachers and analysis of reading documents from the schools’ reading programmes were conducted. Grounded in a social constructivist paradigm, the study employs an inductive thematic analysis (Braun & Clarke, 2012) to interpret the data and gain insights into the factors contributing to students' reluctance to read. The findings reveal that students have minimal curriculum time dedicated to reading, and there is a significant discrepancy in the implementation of the national English Language (EL) Syllabus 2020 and the STELLAR (Strategies for English Language Learning And Reading) programme across the two schools. Although the number of reluctant readers is not large, it is still a case for concern in terms of student wastage, and the misalignment between the MOE belief that every child matters and what is actualised in classrooms. Findings from this study call for a holistic approach in viewing reluctant readers, from the perspectives of The Reading Divide and Individual’s Reading Readiness. This study aims to inform policy decisions on implementing extensive reading programmes (ERP) in schools and to guide the design of such programmes to effectively engage reluctant readers, fostering a love for reading and promoting lifelong reading habits.
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