Resting metabolic rate of obese and nonobese Chinese male adolescents
Tan, Joyce Bee Lian
Stensel, Peter
The resting metabolic rate of 19 obese and 20 nonobese adolescent boys was assessed by indirect calorimetry after an overnight fast. Each subject was measured for a minimum duration of 20 minutes. Body composition was assessed by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry and VO2peak was assessed via a treadmill walking test. The results of the measured RMR were compared with RMRs calculated from five frequently used predictive equations (Harris-Benedict equation (1919), Schofield's equation (1985), the Food Agriculture Organization World Health Organization United Nations University (FAO/WHO/UNU) equation (1) and (2) and the Molnar et al.'s equation (1995)) for adolescents. The relationship between RMR and VO2peak was also examined. The mean (± S.D.) RMR was 1889.11 + 308.13 kcal.day-' in the 19 obese boys and 1528.75 +174.08 kcal.day-' in the 20 nonobese boys. RMR was significantly correlated with lean body mass (r = 0.63, p < 0.01) in the combined group as well as in the obese and nonobese groups (r = 0.66 and r = 0.45 respectively). VO2peak was negatively correlated (r = -0.54, p < 0.01) with RMR in obese and nonobese boys when expressed per kilogram body weight but was positively correlated (r = 0.38, p < 0.05) with RMR when expressed in litres per minute. The results of the present study found that the RMRs of obese boys were higher than those of nonobese boys. RMR and lean body mass was also found to be positively correlated in both obese and nonobese boys. The RMRs predicted by the Harris-Benedict equation and the Molnar et al.'s equation gave good estimations of the measured resting values in the present group of male adolescents and both equations are recommended when actual measurements of RMR are unavailable. Furthermore, results indicated that the relationship between VO2peak and RMR depends on the way VO2peak is expressed.
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QP171 Tan
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