Support for students with visual impairment in higher education in Singapore: Considering university publicity materials conveying disability services and support
Wong, M. E. (2014). Support for students with visual impairment in higher education in Singapore: Considering university publicity materials conveying disability services and support. CAISE Review, 2, 62-76. https://caisehku.wixsite.com/caise-review/2014v2-008
This paper explores online resources in Singapore that reflect the current state of support in higher education for students with visual impairment. In the six institutions of higher education there was evidence of support being provided for students with disabilities ― but the type and extent of support was variable, and messages conveyed to students were mixed. Provisions tend to be generic in nature, and do not necessarily address needs related to specific disabilities. If students with disabilities are to participate in higher education, clearer communication is necessary to enable them to make informed choices with confidence. Information needs to confirm that they will have the requisite support to afford them the opportunities associated with the university experience.
University of Hong Kong
CAISE Review