Publication: Tentang: Kekata cekup [About the word “catch”]
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Muhammad Ariff bin Ahmad
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Transkrip ini adalah dari siaran rancangan Sari Bahasa di SBC, W94.2 dan adalah tentang kekata 'cekup'. Sebutan kekata 'cekup' hampir menyerupai kekata-kekata 'cakup' dan 'cekut'. 'Cekup' bermakna 'menutupi sesuatu dengan tapak tangan' seperti menangkap lalat atau belalang dengan menepuk dan menutupi tangkapannya dengan tapak tangannya. Ini dikatakan 'mencekup lalat' atau 'mencekup belalang'. Dalam bahasa kiasan 'cekup' itu membawa makna 'tangkap' atau 'tawan'; 'mencekup' bermakna 'menangkap' atau 'menawan'; 'dicekup' bermakna 'ditangkap' atau 'ditawan'. Kadang-kadang makna 'tangkap' bagi kekata 'cekup' itu digunakan orang dalam keadaan yang agak lembut atau santun dimana 'cekup' lebih membawa makna 'ambil' atau 'terima' daripada membawa makna 'tangkap'. Akan kekata 'cekut' pula membawa makna 'ambil' juga, tetapi 'ambil sedikit' sahaja; sekira-kira dapat terpegang dengan dua jari - ibu jari dan jari telunjuk. Kekata 'mencekut' bermakna 'mengambil sedikit', 'dicekut' bermakna 'dipegang' atau 'diambil sedikit'. 'Cekut' yang dilakukan dengan dua jari itu boleh juga bermakna 'cubit' jika 'cekutan' melibatkan kuku. <br>
This transcript was delivered in a program Sari Bahasa broadcasted by SBC, W94.2 and is about the word 'cekup' (catch). The word 'cekup' sounds similar to the words 'cakup' and 'cekut'. 'Cekup' means cupping something with the palm of the hand for example catching a fly or grasshopper with the hand and covering it with the palm. This is said to be 'mencekup lalat' or 'mencekup belalang'. In the figurative language,'cekup' means 'tangkap' (catch) or 'tawan' (capture); 'mencekup' means 'menangkap' or 'menawan'; 'dicekup' means 'ditangkap' or 'ditawan'. Sometimes the meaning of 'tangkap' for the word 'cekup' is used in a gentle or polite situation where 'cekup' means 'ambil' (take) or 'terima' (receive) rather than the meaning of 'tangkap'. 'Cekut' also means 'ambil sedikit' (take a bit) as in that which can be held with two fingers - the thumb and index fingers. The word 'mencekut' means 'mengambil sedikit', 'dicekut' means 'dipegang' (hold) or 'diambil sedikti'. 'Cekut' which is done with the two fingers can also mean 'cubit' (pinch) if it involves fingernails.
This transcript was delivered in a program Sari Bahasa broadcasted by SBC, W94.2 and is about the word 'cekup' (catch). The word 'cekup' sounds similar to the words 'cakup' and 'cekut'. 'Cekup' means cupping something with the palm of the hand for example catching a fly or grasshopper with the hand and covering it with the palm. This is said to be 'mencekup lalat' or 'mencekup belalang'. In the figurative language,'cekup' means 'tangkap' (catch) or 'tawan' (capture); 'mencekup' means 'menangkap' or 'menawan'; 'dicekup' means 'ditangkap' or 'ditawan'. Sometimes the meaning of 'tangkap' for the word 'cekup' is used in a gentle or polite situation where 'cekup' means 'ambil' (take) or 'terima' (receive) rather than the meaning of 'tangkap'. 'Cekut' also means 'ambil sedikit' (take a bit) as in that which can be held with two fingers - the thumb and index fingers. The word 'mencekut' means 'mengambil sedikit', 'dicekut' means 'dipegang' (hold) or 'diambil sedikti'. 'Cekut' which is done with the two fingers can also mean 'cubit' (pinch) if it involves fingernails.
Muhammad Ariff Ahmad. (1992, June 20). Tentang: Kekata cekup [About the word “catch”; Radio broadcast transcript]. In Sari Bahasa. Singapore Broadcasting Corporation (SBC).