Quantum algorithms and linear optics
Wong, Kah Wan
Kwek, Leong Chuan
This thesis documents the author's research into the behaviour of two quantum algorithms when coherent states in linear optics were used in place of number states. Literature review from research on the two quantum algorithms, the Deutsch's and Shor's algorithm, is firstly presented. The results of the simulations performed using the programming software Mathematica are then presented and analysed. The aim of the investigations into the quantum algorithm, the Deutsch's algorithm, is to test the function of the algorithm when information is encoded using coherent states. The objectives of the investigations on the second algorithm, the Shor's algorithm, is to analyse the number of measurements needed to maintain the same probability of success in obtaining the prime factors to any composite number when coherent states were used. Investigations were also carried out to study the number of measurements needed to maintain the same probability of success in prime factorisation with the consideration of noise.
Date Issued
Call Number
QA9.58 Won
Date Submitted