Now showing 1 - 10 of 10
  • Publication
    Metadata only
    Educational evaluation research in Asia: A scoping review
    (Taylor & Francis, 2024) ; ; ;
    Tan, Michelle
    Ow, Phoebe Ming Li
    This scoping review examines the landscape of educational evaluation research in Asia over the past decade, uncovering the methodologies, themes, and unique regional challenges within this domain. By delving into 62 articles from evaluation-centric journals, the study reveals a predominant focus on learning, teaching, and assessment, highlighting the importance of pedagogical methods and learning outcomes. The review also notes a significant emphasis on institutional-level evaluation, with China leading in contributions. Despite the rich insights offered, this review points to gaps in leadership and evaluation tools, suggesting areas for future exploration. Ultimately, this review aims to enrich global discussions on educational evaluation, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive understanding of Asia’s diverse and evolving educational evaluation practices.
  • Publication
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    The national press & its framing of Singlish: Print media as a language planning and policy tool
    (Taylor & Francis, 2024)
    Kok, Emma

    This article explores a significant gap in research on Singlish by examining The Straits Times (ST) as a language planning and policy tool. Using representation theory, legitimisation theory, and framing, it analyzes ST’s media coverage of Singlish across two periods. The article demonstrates how ST has not merely reported on Singlish but has actively engaged in status planning by legitimizing Standard English and delegitimizing Singlish. It argues that while ST does not formulate Singapore’s English language policy, it plays a crucial role in shaping public attitudes and containing Singlish. By analyzing ST articles, the article reveals how Singlish was initially portrayed as a ‘bogeyman’ but later acknowledged for its identity functions, suggesting a shift in how Standard Singapore English and Singlish are perceived in different social contexts.

  • Publication
    Open Access
    Transforming teaching through collaborative reflection: A Singaporean case
    (Malaysian English Language Teaching Association, 2017) ;
    Hong, Helen
    Educational success has been largely defined by academic scores in many educational systems, and teachers are frequently held accountable for their students’ scores. These accountability-driven school systems impinge on teachers to enact time-tested effective and efficient pedagogical approaches. In such a context, it is onerous for teachers to adopt alternative approaches. This paper traced how an experienced language teacher, schooled in the discourses and practices of neoliberalism, made a transformation into a teacher of constructivist bent. It explored the transformation of the teacher’s beliefs and practice as a result of reflecting collaboratively with a small team. The findings help to provide a broad understanding of how collaborative reflection can develop teachers’ ability to engage in reflection, and illuminate the potential it has in transforming the teaching practices set against the background of neoliberalism. This finding has relevance for Asian countries which are similarly engulfed in a neoliberal discourse.
      392  534
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    Teaching from the heart: An evaluation of award-winning teachers in Singapore
    The Inspiring Teacher of English Award and the President’s Award for Teachers are national awards that recognize outstanding Singapore educators. This paper delves into the practices and philosophies of six award-winning teachers, unravelling the intricacies that distinguish their pedagogical approaches. The study is centred around three pivotal themes: Student-centred instructional approach, Optimization of Curriculum Materials, and Heart for students. The teaching philosophy undergirds and informs the other two themes, providing the guiding principles that ensure a consistent, student-centred, and resource-effective approach in the classroom. Highlighting the adaptability of these educators in tailoring their methods to individual student needs, the paper emphasizes the significance of a sound educational philosophy as their guiding principle. Furthermore, it explores the adept integration of curriculum materials in their teaching. This analysis offers valuable insights into the unique qualities and teaching methodologies that contribute to the success of award-winning teachers, providing a nuanced understanding of their contribution to educational excellence. Additionally, this analysis suggests significant implications for teacher education and in-service professional development, highlighting the need for programmes that foster these key attributes and approaches, thereby enhancing teacher effectiveness and student learning outcomes across educational settings.
  • Publication
    Examining the teaching of reading: Teachers’ implementation of the STELLAR programme
    Ng, Xing Hwee
    Strategies for English Language Learning and Reading (STELLAR) is a literacy programme in Singapore that is text-driven and supplemented with research-based teaching approaches and instructional materials supplied to teachers. STELLAR was fully implemented in 2015 and is seen as an example of effective scaling up of an innovation (Pang, Lim, Choe, Peters & Chua, 2015). This study aims to explore the relationship between the teachers’ concerns based on their years in the education service and years of STELLAR experience and the changes made by them during the reading component of STELLAR across schools. The Concerns-Based Adoption Model (CBAM) will be used to examine the teachers’ implementation of the programme. Two of the CBAM diagnostic tools used to study this implementation are the Stages of Concern questionnaire (SoCQ) and the Levels of Use (LoU) interviews. The adaptations made by these teachers will be compared based on their number of years of experience; the rationale for these changes will be derived from the interviews. The role of teachers in curriculum enactment is of great concern, because they play a crucial role in the scaling up of any innovation. According to Curdt-Christiansen and Silver (2013), “Policy innovations have little effect when teachers have difficulties in understanding the pedagogical assumptions underlying the policy goals and when their own pedagogical beliefs are not taken into account” (p. 248). If teachers do not understand the intent of the innovations, such innovations will be left outside the classroom. By examining and understanding the concerns of the teachers and the changes made, curriculum developers can ensure adherence to the intent of the curriculum, while allowing space for flexibility in the teachers’ adaptations. This will then help reduce the usability gaps.
      1083  39
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Scopus© Citations 1  61  211
  • Publication
    Excuse me, are you a model?
    This case study investigates whether teachers in one primary school in Singapore model reading during Uninterrupted Sustained Silent Reading (USSR). The hypothesis in this study is that in spite of the evidence that reading is an important determinant of a student’s growth in language skills and ability, and that modeling the act of reading is essential in influencing students, especially the middle- and low-ability ones, teachers do not model. This study seeks to find out if the teachers believe in the importance of reading and modeling, and whether they put such a belief into action.

    This study uses an observation log, questionnaire surveys and semi-structured interviews. The morning session teachers were observed during USSR daily for ten weeks. Purposeful and systematic sampling were used to identify the teachers for the interviews. Maximum Variation sampling was used to identify the students for the interviews. All the 50 morning session teachers were surveyed and stratified sampling was used to identify the students surveyed.

    The study found that even though the teachers believe in the importance of reading and modeling, they do not model reading. The consequence of this lack of modeling was that the teachers’ influencing power was greatly diminished as borne out by the fact that two-thirds of the students did not care whether the teachers read together with them, and one-third did not even want the teachers to read together with them.

    Students need to perceive reading as meaningful and worthwhile before they would engage in them. Since the very people who can create this positive perception of reading were not doing so, the students invariably would not engage in reading. Herein lies the problem. As a result, the low-achieving and -ability students who do not read are caught in a never-ending spiral of poor academic attainment. To break out of this spiral, teachers must do their part in modeling reading in order to encourage students to engage in this worthwhile activity.
      434  65
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Understanding middle leaders' concerns in curriculum change: A missing perspective
    (Taylor & Francis, 2021) ;
    Hu, Guangwei
    This paper is a case study evaluating the concerns that middle leaders in Singapore schools had as they implemented a large-scale English language curriculum reform. Drawing on in-depth interviews, the study aimed to gain insights into middle leaders’ perspectives. Its findings indicated that middle leadership could exert a substantial influence on educational change within a school. Not only were they able to influence their teachers’ understanding, but they also held some sway over the teachers’ receptivity towards and enactment of the reform. In addition, there were commonalities among the middle leaders’ concerns about the curriculum reform. As reform policies tend to differ from school priorities, failure to address middle leaders’ concerns has wide implications for curriculum reform and implementation.
    WOS© Citations 3Scopus© Citations 5  140  115
  • Publication
    Open Access
    From fantasy to depression: A beginning teacher’s encounter with performativity
    (Association of Southeast Asian Teacher Education Network, 2016)

    This paper reports a qualitative study of a beginning teacher in Singapore. It explores the journey of a beginning teacher from his pre-service teacher education to his third year of teaching, drawing on extensive interviews, emails, phone text messages and fi eld notes over a span of three years. This study illuminates the issue of performativity faced daily by teachers caught in such a discourse, and highlight the tension between enacting one's idealism as a beginning teacher and pursuing academic excellence as required by the school system within such a climate. The study describes how the performativity pressures exerted by the school system shaped the beginning teacher's beliefs and practices. As a result of the socialization forces limiting and regulating his practices, the beginning teacher experienced cognitive dissonance, and consequently suffered clinical depression. From the findings, it shows there is a need for current teacher education to highlight the neoliberal emphasis on "market values" of accountability that currently exists in the school system. The study concludes with suggestions that teacher education in Singapore needs to extend beyond skills training to incorporate performativity discourse within its pedagogy courses. This might create more opportunities and thus induce a greater propensity to teach against the grain.

      385  1232
  • Publication
    Metadata only
    Teacher education in Singapore: Changes for a new landscape
    (Springer, 2022)
    Teacher education in Singapore is synonymous with the National Institute of Education, as it is Singapore’s sole institution of teacher education. Its history, its contribution to Singapore’s achievements in international benchmark assessments (e.g. PISA, PIRLS, TIMSS), its symbiotic relationship with the Ministry of Education, and its role in the development of Singapore’s knowledge-based economy have been well documented in recent years (see Loh & Hu, 2019; Loh & Hu, 2020). Instead of a diachronic perspective taken in most discussions on teacher education in Singapore, this chapter will provide an overview of the current state of teacher education. It focuses on recent important changes in its teacher education programmes, namely the structural extension and curriculum revision of the main Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) programme, the phase-out of the non-graduate Diploma in Education (General) programme, and the advent of the premier Teaching Scholars programme.