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  • Publication
    Open Access
    MyCLOUD: A seamless language learning environment for vocabulary learning and formal-informal cycles of writing activities
    (2012) ; ;
    Chai, Ching Sing
    Liu, May
    MyCLOUD (My Chinese Language ubiquitOUs learning Days) is a designbased research study with the aim of developing a holistic and scalable mobile- and cloud assisted seamless Chinese Language (CL) learning environment for Primary 3-5 (3rd-5th grade) students in Singapore. The project involves a 2 ½-year school-based intervention. The intention is to enculturate students in perpetually carrying out CL vocabulary learning and communicative writing activities that encompass formal and informal learning settings. In this paper, we focus on describing the initial design framework, and pedagogical and technological design of the MyCLOUD learning environment in cycle 1, with the enactment process and outcomes being synoptically reported. It will be followed by an analysis and reflection of the challenges faced and pitfalls identified, and finally the proposal of a new framework for project cycle 2.
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