Traumatic upper limb injuries during the men’s Field Hockey Junior World Cup 2009
Mukherjee, S. (2013). Traumatic upper limb injuries during the men’s Field Hockey Junior World Cup 2009. Research in Sports Medicine: An International Journal, 21(4), 318-329. https://doi.org/10.1080/15438627.2013.825797
This study was a prospective epidemiological investigation of upper limb injuries during the Men’s Field Hockey Junior World Cup 2009. 324 players were observed in 58 matches of the tournament. 28 upper limb-related injuries were documented. The injury incidence was 0.48 per match and 19 per 1000 match hours. Most injuries were due to contact with the ball and left hand was the most commonly injured part. Contusion was the commonest type of injury. The odds ratio for hand and wrist injuries in players not wearing gloves was 4.01(95% CI, 0.52-30.62) and the relative risk of hand and wrist injuries in players wearing gloves was 0.26 (95% CI, 0.03-1.92). Male youth hockey players are at a high risk of upper limb especially hand and wrist injuries during major international tournaments and that use of protective gloves can provide significant protection against hand and wrist injuries in the sport.
Date Issued
Taylor & Francis
Research in Sports Medicine