Pre-service teachers’ collaborative project crafting in computer-supported classroom learning environment
Quek, C. L. (2005, November/December). Pre-service teachers’ collaborative project crafting in computer-supported classroom learning environment [Paper presentation]. Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, Parramatta, Australia.
This study investigates 80 pre-service teachers’ exploration of using a computer mediated communication tool to design interdisciplinary projects collaboratively. Over a period of six weeks, the pre-service teachers assumed their roles as curriculum designers in project crafting. They were engaged in discussions via the online discussion forums and face-to-face tutorial sessions. Amongst their project groups of 4-5 members, they carried out brainstorming of project ideas, asking questions and decision making about their views and ideas of projects. Their online activities and discussions were analysed quantitatively and qualitatively. The implications and key learning points of their project crafting are discussed in this paper.
Date Issued
November 2005
This paper was presented at the Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, held in Parramatta, Australia from 28 Nov to 2 Dec 2005