Now showing 1 - 10 of 39
  • Publication
    Supporting beginning teachers' case–based learning in a technology-mediated learning environment
    The current challenge faced by most beginning teachers is the disparity between the theories of classroom management exposed to in pre-service, and the practices in complex and ill-structured classroom situations. Such a theory-practice gap has led to the need to re-examine the existing instructional approach used in teacher learning and helping them develop deep understanding and meaningful learning for teachers. This proposed study explores case-based learning and related areas, beginning teachers’ case-based learning for self-analysis, discussion and reflection. It also explores how technology can be used to support teachers' case-based learning. The affordances of technology and design of technology-mediated learning environment will also be presented.
      201  190
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Pre-service teachers’ collaborative project crafting in computer-supported classroom learning environment
    This study investigates 80 pre-service teachers’ exploration of using a computer mediated communication tool to design interdisciplinary projects collaboratively. Over a period of six weeks, the pre-service teachers assumed their roles as curriculum designers in project crafting. They were engaged in discussions via the online discussion forums and face-to-face tutorial sessions. Amongst their project groups of 4-5 members, they carried out brainstorming of project ideas, asking questions and decision making about their views and ideas of projects. Their online activities and discussions were analysed quantitatively and qualitatively. The implications and key learning points of their project crafting are discussed in this paper.
      112  118
  • Publication
    Project-based learning and students’ motivation: The Singapore context
    (2004-11) ; ;
    Peer, Jarina
    Wong, Angela F. L.
    Williams, Michael Dale
    The Project work (PW) initiative was introduced by the Ministry of Education, Singapore, to provide students with the opportunities to foster collaborative learning skills, to improve both oral and written communication, to practise creative and critical thinking skills, and to develop self-directed inquiry and life-long learning skills (Ministry of Education, 1999). Although PW has been introduced for a few years, there has not been much research done in the Singapore context, especially in terms of its effect on students’ motivation. To fill the empirical gap, this study examined the extent in which PW promoted students’ intrinsic motivation, as well as satisfied students’ needs for competence, choice and relatedness. Specifically, data was collected from 7 classes of Secondary 2 students with the use of a modified version of the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (IMI, McAuley, Duncan, & Tammen, 1989) to assess students’ intrinsic motivation and their perceived choice, competence and relatedness in the PW context and in their normal mathematics or science lessons. Comparisons were made to establish whether there was any significant difference in terms of the students’ experiences in the different learning contexts.
      350  398
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Analyzing my students’ face-to-face philosophy classroom discussions: An exploratory study
    Yip, Meng Fai
    Au, Dennis Seh Hon
    We will be using content analysis to further the understanding of teaching and learning in two philosophy classroom discussions that adopt the ‘community of inquiry’ approach. Our sample consisted of 35 high ability students (aged 14) from one class in an all-boy high school in the central part of Singapore. For the purpose of this study, a video recording of the discussions was used. The students’ responses were categorized quantitatively, and interrater reliability determined using the percent agreement statistic. The implications and key learning points will also be discussed in this paper.
      141  181
  • Publication
    Exploring nursing students’ perceptions of educational experience and satisfaction in a blended learning course
    Ong, Sandy Li Ya
    This survey study aims to investigate nursing students’ perceptions of educational experience and satisfaction in a blended course. The modified Community of Inquiry (CoI) and satisfaction questionnaires consist of 5-point Likert scale items, were administered to 224 nursing students. Nursing students were found to have good educational experience (social, cognitive and teaching presences) and satisfaction in this blended course.
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Validation of an instrument to monitor my students’ face-to-face philosophy ‘communities of inquiry’
    Yip, Meng Fai
    This paper focuses on the development and validation of a modified version of the Constructivist Learning Environment Survey (CLES) in a study of high school philosophy classrooms in Singapore that adopt the ‘community of inquiry’ approach. The modified CLES was administered to 1398 high ability students (grades 7-10) from 49 classes in an all-boy school from the central part of Singapore. Data analysis generally supported each scale’s factor structure, alpha reliability, discriminant validity and ability to differentiate between classrooms. Statistically significant relationships were also found between classroom environment and student outcomes.
      138  125
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Assessing the psycho-social learning environment of technology-supported project work classrooms in a Singapore secondary school
    Seet, Britta Ying Ling
    This study sought to assess the technology-supported Project Work classroom learning environment for 68 Secondary Two (Express stream) students in a school. This Project Work classroom learning environment was unique as it adopted a blended approach – comprising of the regular classroom in which students worked in groups in a face-to-face setting, as well as an online technology-supported platform where students collaborated with overseas team mates on the project. In order to measure the students’ perceptions of such a distinctive environment, a new learning environment questionnaire was developed. An attitude instrument was also developed to capture the students’ attitudes towards Project Work. From the data collected, gaps in the learning environment were identified and the gender differences in the perceptions of the environment were also explored. The associations between the students’ environmental perceptions and their attitudinal outcomes were investigated and the results revealed interesting outcomes. Group interviews were also conducted with small groups of students so as to gain insights into their learning experiences, approaches and problems faced in PW lessons.
      197  226
  • Publication
    Open Access
      102  122
  • Publication
    Metadata only
    Insight into e-pedagogy and practice in Singapore
    As we reflect on the pedagogies adopted in the globally driven digital transformation due to Covid-19 pandemic, it is time for us to take stock of what we have all experienced as educators. With disrupted school attendance, teaching and learning were shifted to the online platform. Teachers devised new teaching and learning strategies to minimise disruptions in schooling and the term Home-based Learning (HBL) became popular. Such lived episodes make us recalibrate our current teaching practices with technology and rationalize and plan for the next leap as educators. How future-ready are we in gearing ourselves towards the adoption of new pedagogies in this digital transformation journey? This chapter aims to provide you the definitions of e-pedagogy and e-pedagogies used in literature and the adoption of e-pedagogy in Singapore. The rationalization of e-pedagogy for Singapore teachers and examples of e-pedagogy and classroom practices will also be covered.
  • Publication
    Investigating the affordances of Facebook for collaborative learning
    (Office of Education Research, National Institute of Education, Singapore, 2024) ;
    Woo, Huay Lit

    The aim of the study was to identify the pedagogical, social, and technological affordances of Facebook for teaching and learning, in particular for collaborative learning, and propose strategies for designing Facebook-mediated effective learning environments. The research questions are:
    1. What are the pedagogical, social, and technological affordances of Facebook for collaborative learning?
    2. How to design an effective Facebook-mediated learning environment for collaborative learning based on the identified affordances?

      16  42