Rethinking teaching and learning with preschoolers: Professional development using knowledge building and a 3M analytical framework
Lee, A. V. Y., Teo, C. L., & Tan, S. C. (2022). Rethinking teaching and learning with preschoolers: Professional development using knowledge building and a 3M analytical framework. International Journal of Educational Research Open, 3, Article 100147. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijedro.2022.100147
Unprecedented global issues have caused large-scale disruption to preschools, requiring a rethink of existing teaching and learning approaches. This study examines the inception of a knowledge building approach in preschools using a case study method and a micro‑meso-macro (3M) analytical framework to understand impact and implications. We found that teachers and students, as micro units (individual agents) collaborated with each other at the meso level, where knowledge creation is carried out within communities, while interacting with macro units (school leaders). Analysis shows the knowledge building approach aided stakeholders in navigating organizational, technological, and pedagogical challenges. Elevating awareness and acknowledging impacts of the knowledge building approach can inspire critical discourse to understand and handle future disruptions in the educational landscape.
International Journal of Educational Research Open
Funding Agency
Institute for Adult Learning, Singapore