MicroLESSONS TM: Tool to encourage student-centred learning
Divaharan, S., & Wong, P. (2003). MicroLESSONS TM: Tool to encourage student-centred learning. Teaching and Learning, 24(1), 15-25.
Information and Communication Technology (ICT), if integrated and applied in the right manner can encourage student-centred learning in the classrooms of today. However, in order to conduct a successful student-centred learning environment and to engage students in learning, teachers will
have to plan and integrate ICT effectively. The reality of the situation in schools is that, due to time constraint and the lack of resources that are customised to students' needs, teachers often resort to traditional ICT teaching methods. This article attempts to present a solution to overcome the
constraints faced by the teachers. It is hoped that with the training provided to the trainee teachers in the National Institute of Education (NIE Singapore), these trainees will be equipped to plan and design microLESSONS TM. These student-oriented ICT based lessons will enable them to customise
content according to students' learning potentials. microLESSONS TM are small multimedia learner-centred instructional packages presented to the students. The structure is usually in the form of an
ill-defined problem, a case study, a scenario, or a situation. The students are then required to use the scaffolds provided to explore possible solutions to the problem presented.
Date Issued
National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University (NIE NTU), Singapore