Realising constructivist learning design in the teaching of gradients of curve
Book chapter
Pang, Y. P., Zhu, Y., & Karimshah Sultan. (2020). Realising constructivist learning design in the teaching of gradients of curve. In N. H. Lee, C. Seto, Ridzuan Abdul Rahim, & L. S. Tan (Eds.), Mathematics teaching in Singapore (pp. 153-172). World Scientific. https://doi.org/10.1142/9789811220159_0010
Constructivism was first popularised by Bruner (1960). The underlying theme in Bruner’s theoretical framework is that learning is an active process in which learners construct new ideas or concepts based upon their prior knowledge. This chapter describes how constructivism can be realised in instruction through a lesson design involving a carefully crafted task on the topic of Gradient of Function Curves at a point. The task affords opportunities to activate and differentiate students’ prior knowledge to generate, explore, critique and refine methods for problem solving. The lesson design allows teachers to first understand what students know about a new concept based on students’ representation and solution methods (RSMs) collected from the group work before the teacher teaches the canonical concept during lesson consolidation. The task, coupled with skillful facilitation and lesson consolidation built upon students’ RSMs, can help students develop a deep understanding of the targeted concept. Implications of such constructivist learning design on teachers’ classroom practice are also discussed.
Date Issued
9789811220142 (print)
9789811220166 (online)
World Scientific