Book Chapters

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  • Publication
    Beyond the geography discipline: Applying the powerful geography approach in a college-level data science curriculum
    (Springer, 2024)
    Li, Samuel Cheng Xin
    Tan, Estella Y. Y.
    Powerful geography has established a renewed purpose in geography education, providing a broader and normative framework for school geography. This chapter extends the theoretical underpinnings of powerful geography beyond the geography discipline by applying its lens to examine a data science curriculum as enacted in a general elective hosted at an institute of higher learning (IHL) in Singapore. Students of the IHL module were interviewed about the efficacy of their learning after taking the module. The data analysis thoroughly reflects that powerful geography and knowledge are strong positive forces for student learning. The chapter concludes by making the case for powerful geography to be given more weight in curriculum design in disciplinary domains beyond geography, as understandings of the learning sciences continue to evolve.
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    Penerusan tradisi pendidikan Islam melalui pengajaran dan pendidikan `nilai'
    (Pustaka Melayu, 2011)
    Keperihatinan Dr Haji Abbas Mohd Shariff terhadap aspek pendidikan ‘nilai’ dan kaitannya dengan tradisi pendidikan Islam menjadi teras perbincangan kertas ini. Dengan mengemukakan pandangan para sarjana Islam awal, kertas ini mengaitkan konsep ‘nilai’ pegangan Dr Abbas yang terbukti sehaluan dengan beberapa teori pendidikan Islam.
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    Compassion as the theme in the teaching of National Education through Malay language lessons
    (Prentice Hall, 2003)
    By using educational inquiry and multiple intelligences perspectives, this paper argues that the importance of compassion in the teaching of National Education cannot be underestimated. Various techniques to infuse compassion in Malay language lessons are incorporated for readers’ consideration.
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    Vedic metal as Singaporeans
    (Shaker Verlag GmbH, 2023)
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    Future orientation and resilience of academically at-risk students in Singapore
    (Springer, 2023) ;
    Nur Qamarina Ilham
    Future orientation can serve as an internal protective factor that has been reported to influence academic achievement and self-regulated learning, but limited studies on this topic have been conducted with students who are at risk of continued low performance, or “academically at-risk” students. The objective of this study was to explore and compare the future orientation of academically at-risk students who developed moderate to high resilience (i.e., “resilient”) with that of their peers who developed a lower level of resilience (i.e., “less resilient”). Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 16 resilient and 14 less resilient students. The results of the study suggest that resilient students tend to have clearer academic goals and career plans compared to their less resilient peers. Goal commitment and focused goals were also other features that distinguished academically resilient students from their less resilient counterparts. Furthermore, students who were found to develop a higher level of resilience indicated clearer mental models of their possible futures and more concrete strategies and plans on how to achieve their goals. A positive attitude toward failure or challenges was also associated with these students. Implications for research and practice are discussed.