Review of literature on social media assisted communicative Chinese teacher and learning
The rise of technologies such as social media websites and Web 2.0 tools has popularized Social Media-assisted Language Learning (SMLL) within the field of Computer-assisted Language Learning (CALL).
SMLL connects interactive social media platforms or applications to language learning, featuring personalization, interactivity, and co-constructed content. It provides students with access to L2 information or content of their interest, facilitating interactive Chinese language learning among students, teachers, native speakers, and peers, thus promoting a communicative approach of "learning through use and using through learning."
This paper conducts a critical analysis by statistically summarizing 31 Chinese language teaching studies under the framework of social media-assisted communicative language teaching. It reviews literature through case studies and research to derive pedagogical recommendations.
The paper comprises six chapters: Chapter 1 introduces the background, significance, research objectives, questions and methods. Chapter 2 outlines definitions and characteristics of communicative language teaching, analyzing the theoretical basis for social media-assisted communicative Chinese language teaching. Chapter 3 details database selection, keyword retrieval strategies, inclusion and exclusion criteria, and literature retrieval methods using CNKI, VIP, and Scopus databases. Chapter 4 involves numbering and statistical analysis of the literature, as well as the creation of summary tables to analyze the proposed research questions. Chapter 5 discusses the research results, identifies the short comings of using social media to support communicative Chinese teaching, and analyzes and summarizes the research questions and development trends. Chapter 6 concludes the study, acknowledging its limitations and suggesting directions for future research.
社交媒体树站和Web2.0工具等技术的兴起,社交媒体语言学习(Social Media-assisted Language Leaming,缩'写为SMLL)成为电脑辅助语言学习 (Computer-assisted Language Learning。缩写为CALL)领域的流行趋势。SLL 将交互式社交媒体树站或应用程序连接到语言学习,以其个性化、互动性、可共建 内容为特色,为学生提供了他们感兴趣的江2信息或内容访问权限,与教师、母语人 士及同侪间互动实现学中用,用中学”的交际式华文学习。
本文对31篇社交媒体辅助下的符合交际语言教学理念设计的华文教学文献 进行统计和批判性分析,以案例、文献研究等形式,总结出对于教学的建议。
第二章概述了交际式语言教学定义和特点,分析了社交媒体辅助交际式华文 教学理论依据。
第三章进行数据库选定、检索关键词和策略制定、准入和排除标准制定,确 定文献的检索选取。使用检索策略进入知网、维普、Scopus进行文献检索筛选。
第五章讨论研究结果并找寻社交媒体辅助交际式华文教学中的不足,分析总结 研究问题及发展趋势。