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- PublicationRestrictedAnalyzing and evaluating video-based international Chinese course designs using the TPACK framework: A case study of the YCT level 4 series developed by ChinesePlus(National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University (NIE NTU), Singapore, 2024)Zhang, Mengqiao
因此,本文以TPACK框架,即Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge framework——技术教学法学科内容知识框架为指导,从学科内容知识(CK, Content Knowledge)、教学法知识(PK, Pedagogical Knowledge)、技术知识(TK, Technological Knowledge)、技术学科内容知识(TCK, Technological Content Knowledge)、技术教学法知识(TPK, Technological Pedagogical Knowledge)、教学法学科内容知识(PCK, Pedagogical Content Knowledge)以及共同组成的技术教学法学科内容知识(TPACK, Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge)共同体这七个组成部分入手,对选取的国际中文教学视频课程进行描述、统计和分析,探索各部分相互作用对教学产生的影响。通过案例分析和统计分析的研究方法,分析中文视频课程内容设计需考虑的要素,整理教学法的应用,优化教育技术对视频呈现的支持,探索创设高质量国际中文视频课程的设计原则,推进国际中文教育数字化领域的发展。
本文通过对中文联盟出品的YCT标准课程(4级下)[英文版] 中43个视频进行转录、统计和批判性分析,讨论视频课程创设的框架和原则,总结出创设优质国际中文教育视频课程的建议,以期对教学有帮助。本研究突出基于实践和现况分析探索的价值,为创设优质的国际中文视频课程提供见解和方法。
25 30 - PublicationRestrictedAP 中文测试和 IB 中文 B 测试对比研究: A comparative study of the AP Chinese language and culture exam and the IBDP Chinese B exam(National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University (NIE NTU), Singapore, 2024)Yu, Peiyao随着全球联系不断加强,各国各民族各地区经济发展的同时,文化、意识形 态、价值观念等方面的影响也不断深入。中国在世界上的影响力与日俱增,学习 中文和中国文化的人也愈来愈多。受国际关系的影响,近年海外中文教育发展的 脚步缓慢。但是,国际课程教育发展愈发完善,其中IBDP 和AP 课程教育理念、 课程框架、评估模式都独具一格,且这两种课程均为高中课程,参与其考试且具 有分数优势的学生可以为大学本科的申请增加优势,IBDP 和AP 选择中文作为第 二语言学习的学生越来越多。通过IB 中文B(SL)测试和AP 中国语言与文化测 试的对比研究,分析两种语言测试的特点和异同,提出修改建议。
22 40 - PublicationRestricted新加坡建国早期华文教材汉字统计分析——以1965-1979 间四套小学华文教材为例 = Statistical analysis of Chinese characters in early national building phase of Singapore's Chinese language educational materials: A case study of four sets of elementary school Chinese textbooks between 1965 to 1979(National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University (NIE NTU), Singapore, 2024)Shen, Ran
Since gaining independence, Singapore has been multiple attempts in the field of Chinese education, with various versions of Chinese textbooks compiled to adapt to different language policies and educational systems. Unlike the current "one syllabus, one textbook" approach, textbooks during that period were published by various publishing houses according to the syllabi announced by the Ministry of Education. A thorough study of the textbooks from this period not only helps reveal the characteristics of the "one syllabus, multiple textbooks" era but also explores the various attempts and innovations during the rise of localized textbooks. This is significant for understanding the logic and rules behind the arrangement of Chinese characters in the textbooks of that period, and for evaluating the issues that existed.
Considering these background factors, this paper will conduct an exhaustive analysis of Chinese characters in four sets of textbooks from the period 1965-1979. The research will first compile comprehensive statistics on the quantity, variety, and frequency of Chinese characters in the textbooks, and provide detailed annotations on the components and strokes of these characters. Based on the statistical results, we will conduct a diachronic and synchronic quantitative analysis to summarize the commonalities and characteristics of each textbook. Then, referring to the "Common Character List," the characters in the textbooks will be categorized, and the common and different characters among the four sets of textbooks will be sorted out, thereby deducing the pattern of character selection in the textbooks. Lastly, the paper will analyze the features of the four sets of textbooks at the level of strokes and components. Through the above analyses, the paper aims to reveal the inherent logic and significant features of the arrangement of Chinese characters in the textbooks, summarize the strengths and limitations of historical textbooks, and thereby provide innovative insights and suggestions for the development of modern Chinese education in Singapore.
38 30 - PublicationEmbargoA discourse analysis of discussions on children's use of digital devices on a Singaporean online parental forum(National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University (NIE NTU), Singapore, 2024)Lim, Mei Hui
47 59 - PublicationEmbargo从动词的习得情况看新加坡中学生面临的主要问题与挑战 = Key issues and challenges faced by Singaporean Mandarin learners: A perspective from verb acquisition(National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University (NIE NTU), Singapore, 2024)Zhang, Boran
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