Physical self-perceptions in adolescence: Generalizability of a multidimensional, hierarchical model across gender and grade
Hagger, M. S., Biddle, S. J. H., & Wang, C. K. J. (2005). Physical self-perceptions in adolescence: Generalizability of a multidimensional, hierarchical model across gender and grade. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 65(2), 297-322. https://doi.org/10.1177/0013164404272484
This study tested the generalizability of the factor pattern, structural parameters and latent mean structure of a multidimensional, hierarchical model of physical self-perceptions in adolescents across gender and grade. A children’s version of Fox and Corbin’s (1989) Physical Self-Perception Profile (C-PSPP) was administered to seventh-, eighth- and ninth-grade high school students (N = 2969). Two a priori models were proposed: a confirmatory factor analytic model proposing a multidimensional model of physical self-esteem and a structural equation model that hypothesized a multidimensional, hierarchical structure with global self-esteem as a superordinate construct and physical self-worth as a domain-level construct governing the subdomains of the C-PSPP. Using the FASEM approach (Bentler, 1986), both models satisfied multiple criteria for goodness-of-fit with the data in each individual gender and grade sample. Tests of the invariance of the factor pattern and structural parameters for both models across gender and grade were supported. Consistent with findings from other contexts, latent means analysis suggested that physical self-esteem scores were higher in boys and in seventh-grade adolescents.
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Educational and Psychological Measurement