A phenomenological study of metacognitive, motivational and behavioural components of self-regulated reading

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The purpose of this transcendental phenomenological study was to describe the self-regulated reading of students between the ages of 11 and 12 years old. It is important that students need to learn to read fluently and comprehend what they are reading. This phenomenological study is significant because through, in-depth interviews, the researcher enabled students’ voices on their descriptions of their experience of self-regulated reading to be heard. Three research questions were explored through in-depth interviewing to study the self-regulated reading of Primary 6 students: <br><br> (1) What are the metacognitive components of self-regulated reading described by the participants? <br> (2) What are the motivational components of self-regulated reading described by the participants? <br> (3) What are the behavioural components of self-regulated reading described by the participants? <br><br> Moustakas’s (1994) transcendental phenomenological data analysis methods was used in this study. The analysis included the epoche, reduction, imaginative variation and systhesis which led to the description of the essence of the participants’ experiences. The twenty participants in the study provided their descriptions on their metacognitive, motivational and behavioural components of self-regulated reading. The findings yielded 12 themes which are discussed in detail in Chapter Four. <br><br> The phenomenological essences which were derived from the participants’ description of their self-regulated reading experiences provided a universal description of the participants’ textural and structural experiences. This universal description of the participants’ essences were used to unearth their metacognitive, motivational and behavioural components of self-regulated reading with a focus on reading comprehension. Data from this study will contribute to findings and implications which educators, parents and caregivers can gain insights regarding the metacognitive, motivational and behavioural components of self-regulated reading.