Now showing 1 - 10 of 37
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Root to shoot communication in certain temperate and sub-tropical crops grown aeroponically in the tropics
    (National Institute of Education (Singapore), 2001) ;
    Lee, Sing-Kong
      146  218
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Growth irradiance effects on productivity, photosynthesis, nitrate accumulation and assimilation of aeroponically grown Brassica alboglabra
    (Taylor & Francis, 2015) ;
    Lim, Lang Ing
    Qin, Lin
    Brassica alboglabra plants were first grown aeroponically with full nutrients under full sunlight with average midday photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) of 1200 μmol m−2 s−1. Thirty days after transplanting, plants were respectively, subjected to 10 days of average midday PPFD of 1200 (control, L1), 600 (L2) and 300 μmol m−2 s−1 (L3). Productivity, photosynthetic CO2 assimilation and stomatal conductance were significantly lower in low-light (L2 and L3) plants than in high-light (L1) plants. Low light plants had the highest nitrate (NO3−) accumulation in the petioles. Low light also had an inverse effect total reduced N content. After different light treatments, all plants were re-exposed to another 10 days of full sunlight. Low-light plants demonstrated their ability to recover their photosynthetic rate, enhance productivity and reduce the NO3− concentration. These results have led to the recommendation of not harvesting this popular vegetable during or immediately after cloudy weather conditions.
    WOS© Citations 8Scopus© Citations 8  334  342
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Root-zone heat priming effects on maximum quantum efficiency of PSII, productivity, root morphology and nutritional quality of two aeroponically grown leafy greens in a tropical greenhouse
    (MDPI, 2022) ;
    Tan, Cassander
    Qin, Lin
    This study investigated the effects of root zone (RZ) heat priming on Eruca sativa (cv. Arugula) and Lactuca sativa (cv. Canasta) in a tropical greenhouse by exposing them to three different RZ temperatures (RZTs). For the first group, plants were grown at 25 °C-RZT for 36 days. The second group of plants was grown at 25 °C-RZT for 10 days before transferring to 38 °C-RZT for 10 days and then to 42 °C-RZT for another 16 days (primed). For the third group, plants were grown at 25 °C-RZT for 20 days and for the last 16 days were transferred to 42 °C-RZT (non-primed). RZ heat priming did not affect the leaf expansion of Arugula while the leaf expansion was slower in RZ heat primed Canasta compared to 25 °C-RZT plants. After transferring to 42 °C-RZT in the later stage, RZ heat primed Arugula had similar productivity but a larger root system with higher nutritional quality at harvest and during postharvest storage compared to those of 25 °C-RZT plants. After subjection to 42 °C-RZT, although RZ heat priming enhanced its nutritional quality, the productivity of Canasta was compromised. The results of this study suggest that it is feasible to enhance productivity and nutritional quality of leafy greens at lower production cost through RZT management.
    WOS© Citations 2Scopus© Citations 4  207  135
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Drought does not induce crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) but regulates photosynthesis and enhances nutritional quality of Mesembryanthemum crystallinum
    (Public Library of Science, 2020) ;
    Chua, Ee Lyn
    Qin, Lin
    Physiology and nutritional quality of a facultative CAM plant Mesembryanthemum crystallinum under drought stress alone are poorly understood. To induce drought, M. crystallinum was cultured aeroponically with different nutrient spraying intervals such as 5, 30, 60 and 240 min. The long spraying interval such as 240 min resulted in lower mass of root and shoot, shorter total root length with less tips and smaller surface area, compared to short interval of 5 min. Grown under the longest spraying interval of 240 min, M. crystallinumalso had significantly higher leaf dry matter content but lower leaf succulence. However, CAM acidity was undetectable for any plants. Although M. crystallinum grown under extended spraying intervals had higher photosynthetic pigments, they utilized lesser light energy and did not dissipate heat as effectively as those grown under 5 min. Compare to other shorter spraying intervals, photosynthetic gas exchange rates were significantly reduced under 240 min spraying interval, indicating signs of water deficit stress. Shoot nitrate, total reduced nitrogen, total soluble protein and Rubisco concentrations were similar for all plants. For phytochemicals and dietary minerals, plants grown under 240 min spraying interval had significantly higher values than the other plants. Therefore, drought does not result in the induction of CAM but regulates photosynthetic performance and enhances nutritional quality of M. crystallinum.
    WOS© Citations 15Scopus© Citations 17  338  162
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Nitrate accumulation, productivity and photosynthesis of Brassica alboglabra grown under low light with supplemental LED lighting in the tropical greenhouse
    (Taylor & Francis, 2019) ;
    Qin, Lin
    Teo, Lilian Li Jun
    Choong, Tsui Wei
    Vegetables are a large source of nitrate (NO3) in our diet. As NO2 is toxic to humans, it is undesirable to consume vegetables with high NO3 content. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the effect of supplementing of red- and blue-LED lighting to B. alboglabra grown in the tropical greenhouse in terms of moderating NO3 accumulation, improving photosynthesis, and enhancing productivity. All plants were grown hydroponically in full nutrients under prevailing greenhouse conditions for 20 days (full sunlight). Thereafter, plants were subjected to three different light treatments for 12 days: full sunlight, shade, and shade supplemented with LEDs. The average midday photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) during the light treatment periods were 220 μmol m−2 s−1 (full sunlight), 55 μmol m−2 s−1 (shade), and 220 μmol m−2 s−1 (shade supplemented with LEDs). Shoot nitrate (NO3) concentration increased significantly in plants grown in the shade. However, shoot NO3 concentration was reduced when plants were supplemented with red- and blue-LED lighting. Photosynthetic CO2 assimilation, stomatal conductance, and productivity also improved in these plants. Our results suggest that supplemental red- and blue-LED lighting in a tropical greenhouse during periods of cloudy and hazy weather could improve productivity and nutrient quality of Chinese broccoli.
    WOS© Citations 5Scopus© Citations 7  148  211
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Growing different Lactuca genotypes aeroponically within a tropical greenhouse: Cool rootzone temperatures decreased rootzone Ethylene concentrations and increased shoot growth
    (Frontiers, 2016)
    Choong, Tsui Wei
    Lee, Sing-Kong
    Dodd, Ian C.
    Temperate crops cannot grow well in the tropics without rootzone cooling. As cooling increased production costs, this experiment aimed to study the growth of various Lactuca genotypes and propose possible ways of reducing these costs, without compromising productivity. A recombinant inbred line (RIL) of lettuce and its parental lines (L. serriola and L. sativa “Salinas”) were grown aeroponically in a tropical greenhouse under 24°C cool (C) or warm fluctuating 30–36°C ambient (A) rootzone temperature (RZT). Their roots were misted with Netherlands standard nutrient solution for 1 min, at intervals of either 5 min (A5, C5) or 10 min (A10, C10) in attempting to reduce electricity consumption and production costs. Lower mortality and higher productivity were observed in all genotypes when grown in C-RZT. Higher shoot fresh weight was observed under C5 than C10, for the RIL and L. serriola. Since “Salinas” had similar shoot fresh weight at both C-RZ treatments, this may indicate it is more sensitive to RZT than water availability. Under A-RZ treatments, higher carotenoid content, with correspondingly higher nonphotochemical quenching, was observed in A10 for the RIL and “Salinas.” Further, total chlorophyll content was also highest at this RZ treatment for the RIL though photochemical quenching was contrastingly the lowest. Cumulatively, productivity was compromised at A10 as the RIL seemed to prioritize photoprotection over efficiency in photosynthesis, under conditions of higher RZT and lower water availability. Generally, higher RZ ethylene concentrations accumulated in A10 and C10 than A5 and C5, respectively—probably due to spray frequency exerting a greater effect on RZ ethylene accumulation than RZT. In the C5 RZ treatment, lowest RZ ethylene concentration corresponded with highest shoot fresh weight. As such, further research on ethylene (in)sensitivity and water use efficiency could be conducted to identify Lactuca cultivars that are better suited for growth in the tropics, so as to allay production costs with reduced cooling and spray intervals.
    WOS© Citations 3Scopus© Citations 5  355  220
  • Publication
    Open Access
    A general best-fitting equation for the multimodal soil-water characteristic curve
    (Springer, 2023)
    Zhao, Yan
    Harianto Rahardjo
    Satyanaga, Alfrendo
    Zhai, Qian
    The soil–water characteristic curve (SWCC) is one of the most crucial and fundamental soil properties in unsaturated soil mechanics. Many theories and equations have been developed to describe and best fit SWCC with unimodal or bimodal characteristics. In this study, a general best-fitting equation for SWCC with multimodal characteristics (bimodal and trimodal SWCC) is proposed. The parameters in the proposed equation are closely related to the properties of soil and variables in the SWCC. To evaluate the performance of the proposed equation in best-fitting multimodal SWCC that has more than two modalities, a trimodal SWCC soil mixture that consists of sand, kaolin and activated carbon has been prepared and tested in the laboratory in this study. The proposed equation has been evaluated with data from published literature and the newly developed soil mixture of trimodal SWCC. The proposed equation has shown high accuracy for best-fitting bimodal SWCC and trimodal SWCC.
    WOS© Citations 6Scopus© Citations 8  96  65
  • Publication
    Open Access
    CAM plasticity in epiphytic tropical orchid species responding to environmental stress
    (Springer, 2019)
    Tay, Shawn
    Yam, Tim Wing
    Background: To counteract its dramatic species endangerment caused by extensive loss of habitat, Singapore is currently re-introducing into nature some of the native orchids to conserve and improve their germplasm. A main challenge of re-introduction is growing and establishing these plants under natural conditions, which are semi-arid with periodic drought. In this study, six native species were examined, of which three, Bulbophyllum vaginatum, Dendrobium leonis and Phalaenopsis cornu-cervi, are viewed as CAM species while the other three, Coelogyne rochussenii, Coelogyne mayeriana, and Bulbophyllum membranaceum are usually characterized as C3 species. We aimed to compare their physiological responses to drought under two different light conditions: (1) moderate light (photosynthetic photon flux density, PPFD of 900 μmol m−2 s−1) and (2) low light (PPFD < 100 μmol m−2 s− 1). Results: After 7 weeks of drought under moderate light (DRML), photosynthetic light utilization was reduced in all six species, and relative water content (RWC) in leaves decreased to < 50% in CAM orchids, compared to > 50% in C3 species, while RWC in pseudobulbs (produced by 4 of the species) fell to < 50%. Both effects were reversed after 14 weeks of re-watering. Proline concentration in leaves increased in the CAM orchids and B. membranaceum (60–130 μmol g−1 FW), and CAM acidity increased (0.2 to 0.8 mmol H+/ g fresh weight) in leaves and pseudobulbs of most species including C3 orchids after 7 weeks of DRML, but to lesser extent in B. membranaceum. Conclusion: In the six native orchid species tested, osmoregulation by proline and CAM expression were adaptive responses to maintain photosynthesis under drought stress. Expression of CAM is a significant adaptive mechanism to drought in both C3 and CAM orchids. For C3 B. membranaceum, this CAM activity is best described as ‘CAM-idling’. We propose that any future work in understanding adaptive responses in Singapore’s native epiphytic orchids to periodic water deficit should also analyse the significance of CAM plasticity on water conservation within the plant and the regulation of CAM by prevailing water status and light intensity.
    WOS© Citations 14Scopus© Citations 18  176  230
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Impacts of LED spectral quality on leafy vegetables: Productivity closely linked to photosynthetic performance or associated with leaf traits?
    (International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 2019) ;
    Qin, Lin
    Chow, Wah Soon
    The success of growing vegetables indoors requires the most appropriate selection of lighting spectrum. This mini review discusses the impacts of LED spectral quality on different leafy vegetables with a focus on the studies of Chinese broccoli (Brassica alboglabra), ice plants (Mesembryanthem crystallinum) and lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. cv. Canasta). For each species, plants exposed to different spectral LED lights were all under the same light intensity and same photoperiod. Chinese broccoli grown under red(R):blue(B)-LED ratio of 84:16 (16B) had the highest light-saturated photosynthetic CO2 assimilation rate (Asat) and stomatal conductance (gs sat) compared to plants grown under other R:B-LED ratios. It was also shown that 16B is the most appropriate selection for Chinese broccoli to achieve the highest shoot productivity with a rapid leaf number and leaf area development. The highest concentrations of photosynthetic pigments, soluble and Rubisco protein on a leaf area basis were also observed in 16B plants. The results conclusively affirmed that the highest productivity of Chinese broccoli grown under 16B is closely linked to the highest photosynthetic performance on a leaf area basis. For ice plants grown under R:B-LED ratios of 90:10 (10B), they had the highest shoot biomass with a faster leaf development compared to plants grown under other RB-LED combinations. However, there were no differences in Asat, gs sat, photosynthetic pigments, soluble and Rubisco proteins on a leaf area basis. In the case of lettuce plants, it was a surprise to observe that plants grown under 0B and 20G (20% green (G)-LED and 80% R-LED) had the highest shoot biomass, and largest total leaf area and light interception area but the lowest net maximal photosynthetic rate on a leaf area basis, compared to other plants. The combined RB-LED enhanced other photosynthetic parameters while 0B and 20G conditions had inhibitory effects on maximum quantum efficiency of PS II with lower photosynthetic pigments, total soluble protein and Rubisco protein. These results suggest that impacts of LED light quality on productivity of lettuce (L. sativa L. cv. Canasta) are closely linked to leaf traits not associated with photosynthetic performance on a leaf area basis.
    WOS© Citations 18Scopus© Citations 22  358  587