Mediating effect of loneliness on social emotional learning and problematic internet use in Singapore youth
Book chapter
Too, M., Chye, S. Y. L., & Tan, W. K. (2023). Mediating effect of loneliness on social emotional learning and problematic internet use in Singapore youth. In S. Y. L. Chye & B. L. Chua (Eds.), Pedagogy and psychology in digital education (pp. 249-264). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-2107-2_15
The prevalence rate of Problematic Internet Use (PIU) has increased globally over the years and is estimated at 7%. Studies report a significant association between PIU and Social and Emotional Learning skills, as well as negative effects such as loneliness. Taken together, the current study proposes a model of loneliness mediating SEL and PIU. The data used in this study was earlier collected from another study involving 1623 youths from 5 different schools that aims to study the trends and factors of PIU among Singapore adolescents. Secondary analysis of the data revealed that SEL, Loneliness and PIU are significantly correlated with each other. In addition, according to Baron and Kenny’s (1981) mediation model, loneliness was also found to be a full mediator of SEL and PIU, although the Sobel Test (1982) showed the indirect effect of SEL on PIU through loneliness is insignificant. The implications on policy and practice, as well as the directions for future research in view of the limitations of the study, are also discussed.
Date Issued
9789819921065 (print)
9789819921072 (online)