Lim, Seok Lai
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Lim, Seok Lai
Office of Teacher Education and Undergraduate Programmes (TEUP)
Asian Languages & Cultures (ALC)
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- PublicationMetadata onlyDiverse languages, one identity: A guide to conversations in the Chinese, Malay and Tamil languages(National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University (NIE NTU), Singapore, 2010)
; ; ;Rakkappan Velmurugan; ; ;Sivakumaran, A. R. A.Diverse Languages, One Identity is a joint initiative between the National Institute of Education and National Library Board to help foster cohesiveness in Singapore’s multiracial community. This booklet aims to create an awareness of the spoken mother tongue among students and teachers and serves as a good platform to build understanding and respect among the various races in Singapore. This joint project based booklet has a collection of eight scenarios of a university student’s life at university (for eg. ordering food at the canteen, going to the library, meeting the lecturer, etc.). All scenarios have been translated, transliterated in four languages in print and recorded in voice form. A team of advisors and editors worked together with the NIE Trainee teachers and technological officers.61 - PublicationRestrictedA study on the curriculum framework for basic spoken Chinese(2018)千禧年以来,由中国经济腾飞所引发的汉语热持续升温。近年来内外圈不同 单位、机构研发的国际汉语教材数量大增,为教师与学习者提供了较多元的选择,虽在“量”方面基本满足了市场需求,但在“质”方面却还有很大的发展空间。任何教材要取得良好的学习效果,首先必须有明确的对象群并充分了解对象群的学习需要。本论文从“汉语作为‘真正的外语’”(Chinese as a truly foreign language)的独特视角切入,充分考虑外圈英语背景成人学习者的需要,从理论上探讨汉语的特点与汉语学习的难点,并在其基础上初步建立有助于提高学习效率、加强学习效果的在线基础汉语口语课程与教材框架。
第七章结论,阐明本研究的原创性,并阐述后续研究的前景与展望。298 127 - PublicationMetadata onlyTeaching Chinese to English-speaking bilingualsThis chapter offers an in-depth discussion on the pedagogical challenges of and solutions to teaching Chinese to English-speaking bilinguals in Singapore in response to an evolving sociolinguistic profile of primary school students studying Chinese. An analysis of the positioning of Singapore within the paradigm of three concentric circles of global Chinese and the emergence of a gradual shift in learner profile from the Outer Circle to the Expanding Circle is offered, laying the ground for the need to develop a new pedagogical model, the bilingual approach (BA) to the teaching of Chinese, for teaching Chinese to a new generation of young beginning learners. The main features of BA are discussed, highlighting the important scaffolding role that the learners’ dominant language plays at the elementary stage of learning an additional language.
42 - PublicationRestrictedXian dai Han yu jin yi ci da pei yan jiu = Collocation patterns of synonyms in contemporary Mandarin Chinese(2007)This thesis discusses collocation in contemporary Mandarin Chinese from two perspectives.
Firstly is a historical review and theoretical analysis of the notion of "collocation" both in the EL and CL linguistic arena, which leads to a working definition and a theoretical framework for the purpose of this research.
Secondly is an investigation into the collocational patterns of 3 groups of bi-syllabic synonymous words in contemporary Mandarin Chinese using the corpus-based approach, aiming to explore the feasibility of distinguishing synonyms in the Chinese language in terms of collocational differences.
There are altogether six chapters. Chapter one offers an overall introduction, stating the purpose, timeliness, structure and scope of the study. Chapter two is a historical review and theoretical analysis of the notion of "collocation" both in the EL and CL linguistic arena. Chapter three highlights the key attributes of the notion of collocation, followed by the derivation of a working definition and theoretical framework for CL collocational studies. Chapter four introduces the 3 groups of bi-syllabic synonymous words under study followed by a detailed discussion on the research methodology. The analysis of data, the research findings, its implications to the teaching and learning of the Chinese language as a second language and its application to the compilation of collocation dictionaries and thesauruses will be discussed in chapter five. The final chapter is an exploration of the limitations of this research and a discussion on related research projects that can be undertaken in the future.465 39 - PublicationRestrictedXinjiapo Fujian she qun yu yan yi wei diao cha yan jiu = A sociolinguistic survey on language shift in the Hokkien Chinese community of Singapore(1999)Singapore is an unique multi-ethnic, multi-cultural and multi-lingual society. Over the past three decades, parallel to the nation's tremendous socioeconomic development has been a massive language shift from a multiplicity of ethnic languages towards the four official national languages. A microscopic reflection of this shift could be represented by language development in the Hokkien Chinese community, the largest sub-group within the Chinese community.
This study aims to ascertain the extent of language shift and dialect loss within the Hokkien Chinese community through a thorough investigation into the language use and language ability patterns as well as the language attitude of a sample of 70 native speakers of Hokkien with the help of a questionnaire. The relationship between this shift and the language policies implemented since independence is also examined. Based on the data gathered, attempt is also being made to predict the future state of language development within the community.
This thesis consists of seven chapters. The introductory chapter sets forth the objectives, scope and significance of the study. In the second chapter, a number of key concepts related to the theory of language shift relevant to our discussion are reviewed. Chapter three is a brief sketch of Singapore's socio-linguistic situation and the major language policies implemented since independence. In Chapter four, some previous empirical studies are reviewed. Chapter five introduces the research methodology which includes the design of the questionnaire, sampling, implementation procedure and data analysis. This is followed by a discussion on the results and findings in chapter six. In the final chapter, limitations of the study and suggestions for future studies are discussed.290 35 - PublicationOpen Access在线基础汉语口语课程框架与教材设计 [Curriculum framework and materials design for online basic spoken Chinese programme](National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University (NIE NTU), Singapore, 2019)
140 839 - PublicationMetadata only在线基础汉语口语教材编写: 听说练习的题型与设计(2018)迈入21 世纪,信息科技的日新月异,互联网的日益普及,移动电子设施如智能手机、平板电脑的渐趋普遍为信息的传送与接收创造了全新的平台,不仅改变了人与人之间的沟通模式,也大大改变了现代人的学习方式与习惯。大势所趋,教材与教学也将配合21 世纪学习模式的更新而走向电子化。本文着重探讨在线基础汉语口语教程中聆听与说话练习的题型与设计。要取得最佳学习效果,不管聆听或者说话教学都需要个人化的指导和练习。由于人力资源以及课时等局限,线下语言课堂很难落实个人化口语学习,不过这些局限在资讯科技高度发达的互联网时代已得到解决。和读写技能相比,信息通信科技对训练听说二技的辅助作用更为显著。随着移动网络覆盖面急速扩大,网络速度不断提高,使用功能日益复杂的移动电子器材日益普遍,成为网络一族最基本、常用的学习与社交平台。这些具有强大多媒体功能的移动电子器材,特别是视频、录音以及配合最新的高智能人机对讲功能而产生的在线“语音操控个人助理”如Siri、chatbot等,都将对口语学习带来天翻地覆的改变。任何外语课程都必须兼顾两个方面的学习内容:和知识有关的“语言事实”(fact),以及和应用能力有关的“言语行为”(act)。“言语行为”让学习者在实际的操练与应用中“知其然”,真实体验目的语的操作;“语言事实”的输入则让学习者“知其所以然”,理解目的语的内部规律与特点。输入“语言事实”的手段是“解说”;培养“言语行为”的管道是“练习”。有效的练习分为三个阶段:1、进行机械式操练以内化语言点;2、在受控制的语境中进行应用性练习以促进语言点的迁移;3、在真实语境中进行交际性练习。本文综合美国ACTFL《为世界做好准备的外语标准》(World Readiness Standards)的3M交际模式以及欧盟CEFR的语言活动类型的特点,从课上与课下语言练习设计的角度切入,先概括出基础汉语外语口语课程需涵盖理解诠释、表达演示、人际交流以及中介四种语言交际模式,进而分析这四种交际模式和语言技能、学习者角色与信息流向之间的关系。在此基础上,本文举例说明在线听说教程中操练题(Drills),包括替换、转换、反应、扩展、组合五个小类、应用型练习(Application Exercise),包括聆听理解、转述及英汉转码、非互动性说话以及以及交际型练习(Communicative Exercise),包括角色扮演以及任务型练习应如何设计,以实现按需学习的目标,提高学习效果。