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Goh Yeng Seng
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Goh Yeng Seng
Office of Education Research (OER)
Asian Languages & Cultures (ALC)
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- PublicationOpen Access
207 1097 - PublicationMetadata onlyDiverse languages, one identity: A guide to conversations in the Chinese, Malay and Tamil languages(National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University (NIE NTU), Singapore, 2010)
; ; ;Rakkappan Velmurugan; ; ;Sivakumaran, A. R. A.Diverse Languages, One Identity is a joint initiative between the National Institute of Education and National Library Board to help foster cohesiveness in Singapore’s multiracial community. This booklet aims to create an awareness of the spoken mother tongue among students and teachers and serves as a good platform to build understanding and respect among the various races in Singapore. This joint project based booklet has a collection of eight scenarios of a university student’s life at university (for eg. ordering food at the canteen, going to the library, meeting the lecturer, etc.). All scenarios have been translated, transliterated in four languages in print and recorded in voice form. A team of advisors and editors worked together with the NIE Trainee teachers and technological officers.61 - PublicationMetadata onlyTeaching Chinese to English-speaking bilingualsThis chapter offers an in-depth discussion on the pedagogical challenges of and solutions to teaching Chinese to English-speaking bilinguals in Singapore in response to an evolving sociolinguistic profile of primary school students studying Chinese. An analysis of the positioning of Singapore within the paradigm of three concentric circles of global Chinese and the emergence of a gradual shift in learner profile from the Outer Circle to the Expanding Circle is offered, laying the ground for the need to develop a new pedagogical model, the bilingual approach (BA) to the teaching of Chinese, for teaching Chinese to a new generation of young beginning learners. The main features of BA are discussed, highlighting the important scaffolding role that the learners’ dominant language plays at the elementary stage of learning an additional language.
42 - PublicationMetadata only
28 - PublicationRestrictedProposing a new curriculum design based on the sociolinguistic profile of Chinese language student teachers in Singapore(1998)With English used as the principal medium of instruction for all school subjects in Singapore, and Mandarin as a compulsory mother-tongue subject for ethnic Chinese students, the natural expectation is a new generation of graduates with bi-language competencies. It is interesting to find out whether student teachers, who have undergone the new national unified education system at the primary and secondary school levels, differ from the 'Chnese-streamed' Chinese language trained teachers in terms of their attitude and competency towards the use of Chinese language. To investigate the current state of language use and language attitude of Chinese language teachers, a survey based on the use of a questionnaire was conducted. Based on the findings of the survey and the inadequate competencies of the student teachers, a new curriculum for the current Postgraduate Diploma Programme specialising in the teaching of Chinese in secondary schools is proposed.
This project is organised in the following manner: the introductory chapter sets forth the purpose of this project. The second chapter focuses on the direct effects of the Bilingual Education System and the Speak Mandarin Campaign on the linguistic repertoire of the Singapore Chinese community, and a description of the sociolinguistic status of Mandarin and English. The third chapter presents a discussion on the findings of the survey of language use, self evaluation in bilingual competence, and language attitude of Chinese language student teachers. The fourth chapter presents a proposal for a new curriculum design for the Postgraduate Diploma Programme specialising in the teaching of Chinese at the secondary school level. A justification for the proposal for the establishment of a foundation course in Chinese and the extension of the programme would be given.276 56 - PublicationMetadata only汉语作为二语教学的课堂语言:初学者视角课堂语言是二语初学者在课堂最先接触的目标语口语材料。学习者一方面聆听教师通过目标语交代事项、进行课堂活动说明、鼓励完成学习任务等;学习者另一方面使用目标语和教师进行交流,课堂语言在教学环节的重要性也就不言而喻。教师与学生的沟通是否有效将直接影响课堂活动的进行和教学任务的完成,对建立良好师生互动关系及保持学生学习动力和兴趣也起着关键作用。目前坊间的初级汉语教材大多采取大量列举课堂语言材料的方式,却未依据其交际功能进行分类。本文将从初学者实际需求出发,提出汉语作为二语教学课堂语言的交际功能与设计框架,为未来教材编写提供指引。
55 - PublicationMetadata only海外华语文教学嬗变与革新: 新加坡经验本书结合新加坡华文教学,对海外汉语教学所设计的的词汇语法问题做了认真细致而深入的探讨。在本体研究基础之上突出了语言应用研究,既有关于双语教育政策的理论探索,也有针对个别词语释义和用法的细致观察,突出了海外汉语教学的疑点和难点。
26 - PublicationMetadata onlyOne people, one nation, one Singapore: Language policy and shifting identities among Chinese Singaporeans [落地生根的胡姬花:语言政策与新加坡华人的身份认同变化]This chapter provides an overview of language planning in Singapore since the country’s independence in 1965. It examines official responses toward societal multilingualism and the ideologies underlying language planning, notably the promotion of English and Mandarin. Before independence, Mandarin was hardly ever used within the Chinese population. It was only after 1965 that it became an official language—alongside English, Malay, and Tamil—and gradually gained dominance over the other Sinitic varieties through education and intensive campaigning. The chapter argues that the evolution of bilingualism within the Chinese community, which accompanied a shift in identity from overseas Chinese to Chinese Singaporeans, resulted in an increasing percentage of Chinese Singaporeans using English predominantly as a home language. Meanwhile, in an era of global Mandarin, Singapore is gradually shifting toward a language situation where Chinese is increasingly learned merely as a foreign language and is not being used in the home context.
Scopus© Citations 3 211 - PublicationMetadata only教学与科技整合:在线成人汉语口语入门课程设计随着移动互联网的兴起和智能手机的普及,在线课程通过再中介化、分散化、非物质化三股数字化驱动力遍布世界各地。国际汉语教学界应顺势而为,打造在线平台作为全球汉语教室,利用前沿信息与通信技术和教育产业开展深度结 合,让汉语学习者随时随地进行自我管理的自主学习,开启数字化教育新篇章。在课程理念方面,以口语为主位;以语音、语法、词汇、文化为四大核心构件;以外语教学作为培养双语人才的模式;以5C 目标及其11 项标准作为与汉语世 界接轨的语言学习目标;以语言知行兼容作为教学指南;以个人化按需学习模块配套作为个人学习规划总蓝图;以实时在线专业咨询与技能指导作为后台支援。在教材设计方面,以口语发展、发音基础、汉语导读三个既独立自主又相 互联系的元件作为在线汉语口语入门课程的学习路径;以超量学习策略让零起点外语成人学习者通过精熟学习七步法掌握听力说话技巧;以替换、转换、回应、扩展、组合五大操练法提升语言流利度和实现语言自动化;以听力理解、 口语表达两大应用练习完成指定语言学习任务。在课程研发方面,以产学合作模式设立内部课程发展处,培养在线课程数字化市场人才;成立众包课程发展处,广邀世界各地国际汉语教学同行共创本土化汉语教材并提供后台学习支援。
65 - PublicationMetadata onlyTeaching Chinese as an international languageBilingual and bicultural scholar Yeng-Seng Goh offers the first in-depth English language analysis of global Chinese, exploring the spread of Chinese beyond China and its emergence as a global language. Approaching the topic from a Singapore perspective, Goh uses this fascinating language ecosystem, with its unique bilingual language policy, as a case study for Chinese language learning. Offering clear insights into the pedagogy of teaching Chinese as an international lang+G3uage (TCIL), this book covers a range of important topics, such as the sociolinguistic profile of Chinese language student-teachers, the use of English in the teaching of Chinese, the teaching of Chinese by non-native teachers, information and communications technology in L2 learning and teaching, the progressive Chinese pronunciation programme and the progressive testing of receptive skills. In doing so, it presents a new, integrative approach to the compilation of Chinese learner’s dictionaries, an innovative bilingual hybrid model for training TCIL teachers, and a solid theoretical framework for Masters of Arts programmes in TCIL and a unique perspective on the establishment of translation as a service industry.
Scopus© Citations 14 79