Now showing 1 - 10 of 14
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Multimodal genre of science classroom discourse: Mutual contextualization between genre and representation construction
    (Springer, 2021)
    Tang, Kok Sing
    Chang, Jina
    This paper argues that meaning-making with multimodal representations in science learning is always contextualized within a genre and, conversely, what constitutes an ongoing genre also depends on a multimodal coordination of speech, gesture, diagrams, symbols, and material objects. In social semiotics, a genre is a culturally evolved way of doing things with language (including non-verbal representations). Genre provides a useful lens to understand how a community’s cultural norms and practices shape the use of language in various human activities. Despite this understanding, researchers have seldom considered the role of scientific genres (e.g., experimental account, information report, explanation) to understand how students in science classrooms make meanings as they use and construct multimodal representations. This study is based on an enactment of a drawing-to-learn approach in a primary school classroom in Australia, with data generated from classroom videos and students’ artifacts. Using multimodal discourse analysis informed by social semiotics, we analyze how the semantic variations in students’ representations correspond to the recurring genres they were enacting. We found a general pattern in the use and creation of representations across different scientific genres that support the theory of a mutual contextualization between genre and representation construction.
    WOS© Citations 4Scopus© Citations 5  347  96
  • Publication
    Metadata only
    Automatic item generation in various STEM subjects using large language model prompting
    (Elsevier, 2025)
    Chan, Kuang Wen
    ; ;
    Sham, Brandon Kah Shen
    Tan, Erdalyn Yeh Thong
    Chong, Francis Woon Chien
    Qian, Kun
    Sze, Guan Kheng
    Large language models (LLMs) that power chatbots such as ChatGPT have capabilities across numerous domains. Teachers and students have been increasingly using chatbots in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) subjects in various ways, including for assessment purposes. However, there has been a lack of systematic investigation into LLMs’ capabilities and limitations in automatically generating items for STEM subject assessments, especially given that LLMs can hallucinate and may risk promoting misconceptions and hindering conceptual understanding. To address this, we systematically investigated LLMs' conceptual understanding and quality of working in generating question and answer pairs across various STEM subjects. We used prompt engineering on GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 with three different approaches: standard prompting, standard prompting with added chain-of-thought prompting using worked examples with steps, and the chain-of-thought prompting with coding language. The questions and answer pairs were generated at the pre-university level in the three STEM subjects of chemistry, physics, and mathematics and evaluated by subject-matter experts. We found that LLMs generated quality questions when using the chain-of-thought prompting for both GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 and when using the chain-of-thought prompting with coding language for GPT-4 overall. However, there were varying patterns in generating multistep answers, with differences in final answer and intermediate step accuracy. An interesting finding was that the chain-of-thought prompting with coding language for GPT-4 significantly outperformed the other approaches in generating correct final answers while demonstrating moderate accuracy in generating multistep answers correctly. In addition, through qualitative analysis, we identified domain-specific prompting patterns across the three STEM subjects. We then discussed how our findings aligned with, contradicted, and contributed to the current body of knowledge on automatic item generation research using LLMs, and the implications for teachers using LLMs to generate STEM assessment items.
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Integrating artificial intelligence into science lessons: Teachers’ experiences and views
    (Springer, 2023) ; ;
    Teo, Arnold
    Koo, Sengmeng
    Chang, Jina

    In the midst of digital transformation, schools are transforming their classrooms as they prepare students for a world increasingly automated by new technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI). During curricular implementation, it has not made sense to teachers to teach AI as a stand-alone subject as it is not a traditional discipline in schools. As such, subject matter teachers may need to take on the responsibility of integrating AI content into discipline-based lessons to help students make connections and see its relevance rather than present AI as separate content. This paper reports on a study that piloted a new lesson package in science classrooms to introduce students to the idea of AI. Specifically, the AI-integrated science lesson package, designed by the research team, provided an extended activity that used the same context as an existing lesson activity. Three science teachers from different schools piloted the lesson package with small groups of students and provided feedback on the materials and implementation.

    The findings revealed the teachers’ perceptions of integrating AI into science lessons in terms of the connection between AI and science, challenges when implementing the AI lesson package and recommendations on improvements. First, the teachers perceived that AI and science have similarities in developing accurate models with quality data and using simplified reasoning, while they thought that AI and science play complementary roles when solving scientific problems. Second, the teachers thought that the biggest challenge in implementing the lesson package was a lack of confidence in content mastery, while the package would be challenging to get buy-in from teachers regarding curriculum adaptation and targeting the appropriate audience. Considering these challenges, they recommended that comprehensive AI resources be provided to teachers, while this package can be employed for science enrichment programs after-school.

    The study has implications for curriculum writers who design lesson packages that introduce AI in science classrooms and for science teachers who wish to contribute to the development of AI literacy for teachers and the extension of the range of school science and STEM to students.

    WOS© Citations 1Scopus© Citations 18  79  112
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Meaning making in science classrooms: Orchestrating multiple modes of representations
    Students improve their understanding of science through mean making in science classrooms. Considering the multimodality of science and the cognitive benefits of the use of multimodal communication, science educators commonly use multiple representations for teaching and learning science. In this article, I introduce a draw-to-learn approach as a potential pedagogy which can prompt students’ meaning making by translating from verbal mode to visual mode and vice versa and orchestrating multiple representations together. I then discuss how this multimodal representational practice can be meaningful for students in terms of a chain of meaning across modes of representation.
      32  212
  • Publication
    Metadata only
    Is water a lubricant?: Inquiring about a dilemmatic statement in physics education
    (IOP Publishing, 2024)
    Ong, Joel

    We designed an inquiry activity to investigate the question, 'Is water a lubricant?' Placing the same object on surfaces of three different materials, we observed the effect of adding a small amount of water on the coefficient of static friction, μs. Up to 1 ml of water was added. The results of each surface were graphed and compared with one another. In general, our findings show that the addition of water serves to increase μs up to a certain point, before decreasing it. The experiment can be easily replicated in a secondary school science lab. It presents two seemingly opposing phenomena, but they both hold because they occur within their respective boundary conditions.

  • Publication
    Instructional framing for guiding the construction of explanatory diagrams in a science classroom: A metafunction perspective.
    (Taylor & Francis, 2024)

    This study investigates how to guide students’ drawing diagram activities as constructing explanations in science classrooms from the metafunctions in systemic functional language (SFL). Although a drawing-to-learn approach requires sufficient support, there is still a lack of understanding regarding the pedagogical considerations for guiding students on what and how to draw during their activities. Guided by the metafunctions in SFL, I analysed a case of one teacher’s teaching practices of employing drawing-diagram activities in a general science classroom. I found that the teacher translated the objects to draw from the familiar to the targeted visual meaning for the students (ideational). To provide a clearer understanding of the roles of diagrams, she had reflective discussions with the students about how other people could interpret their diagrams and what would be important to represent iteratively through sharing the diagrams using a visualiser (interpersonal). She also often provided several examples of organising diagrams at the beginning of or during the activities to brainstorm ideas for the compositions (textual). This practical knowledge framed by the metafunctions is aimed at providing a better understanding of how teachers can deploy a drawing-to-learn approach and intervene during drawing activities to facilitate students’ science learning in general science classrooms.

      34  4
  • Publication
    Metadata only
    The features of visual models generated by primary school students in an online learning platform
    (Taylor & Francis, 2025) ;
    Park, Jisun
    Yoon, Hye-Gyoung
    Ha, Minsu
    The purpose of this study is to identify the features of student-generated visual models in an online learning platform. To this end, online-based learning activities were designed and applied to 123 primary school students. Specifically, the students were guided to generate visual models for three phenomena related to light and shadow, following three steps: (1) observing a phenomenon in a video and constructing the first visual model of the phenomenon, (2) evaluating two different models in a concept cartoon and choosing the better model, and (3) observing another similar phenomenon and constructing the second model. Six visual models per student (738 visual models in total) were collected and analysed in terms of using proper symbols and conceptual understanding. In using symbols to visualise how light travels, students were found to employ increasingly higher levels of symbols over the course of constructing the six visual models. In terms of conceptual understanding, students demonstrated their conceptual development in the visual models they used to explain simple phenomena; however, for complex phenomena, the development of the conceptual levels of their models was challenged. Based on the above results, educational implications are discussed in terms of fostering students’ visual models in an online environment.
  • Publication
    Open Access
    An analysis of student-generated drawings in terms of the types of scientific explanations and levels of representations
    (Korean Physical Society, 2022)
    Chang, Jina
    Park, Jisun
    This study examined the features of student-generated drawings to foster their understanding of sound transmission. In this regard, eighteen student-generated drawings constructed by the fifth and sixth elementary science gifted students were collected and analyzed. The students were asked to draw and explain sound transmission between a tuning fork and our ears. The researchers classified the types of student-generated drawings by focusing on `air particles' and `their interactions', which are invisible, and key ideas of sound transmissions, and then analyzed the features of the students' conceptions, as visually expressed in each type. Consequently, most students focused only on the collisions among air particles, the medium transmitting sound, without conceptualizing the particle vibrations, i.e., the back-and-forth movements of particles. For example, some students drew that the particles themselves vibrate, or the particles literally transmit vibrations as if handing over an object. Finally, the educational implications were discussed in terms of alternative conceptions for elementary and middle school students and how to teach sound transmission.
      65  149
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Features of and representational strategies in instructional videos for primary science classes
    (Taylor & Francis, 2022) ;
    Chang, Jina
    Park, Jisun
    Yoon, Hye-Gyoung
    Utilisation of instructional videos for science teaching has become more widespread due to the expansion of online teaching and learning environments and growing awareness of benefits of videos, such as enabling use of effective multiple representations. With this in mind, this study aimed to examine features of instructional videos for teaching scientific inquiry, a key element of science education, and learners’ engagement, a crucial issue in instruction in terms of representational strategies used. We analysed 16 instructional videos for science teaching generated by pre-service teachers. We found that the instructional videos tended to focus on posing a question related to a phenomenon and constructing its explanation conceptually rather than conducting investigations and interpreting the data. It was also found that there were alternations between providing relevant and conceptual resources and affording learners opportunities to answer questions verbally and visually to prompt their engagement. Various representational strategies, such as summarising, comparing, highlighting, sequencing, and presenting vivid phenomena, were also employed for better teaching scientific inquiry as a part of learners’ ongoing cognitive activities. Based on the findings, we argue that there is potential for using instructional videos for teaching science, considering representational strategies in terms of scientific inquiry and learners’ engagement.
    WOS© Citations 1Scopus© Citations 2  75  67
  • Publication
    Metadata only
    Demonstrating representational competence through the utilisation of potential disciplinary meanings during scientific explanation construction
    (Taylor & Francis, 2024)
    Qawiem Jamil
    The construction of scientific explanations is considered an important component of scientific practices in science classrooms. When constructing explanations, students utilise multimodal representations to make and convey specific meanings, which are useful in supporting their thinking and learning. The mastery of these recognised functions makes up and signifies representational competence. However, the literature has yet to offer a clear description of the demonstration of representational competence from the perspective that views competency as a goal-oriented meaning-making process that relies on specialised representations. This research took a case study approach and collected data from six first-year undergraduates tasked to construct scientific explanations of phenomena. Using multimodal discourse analysis, we identified sequences of representations that suggest how particular disciplinary meanings were realised. The results showed that students demonstrated representational competence by making available, recognising, and utilising what we termed as potential disciplinary meanings. These meanings acted as a basis with which to construct new meanings that fulfil the explanation. The same potential disciplinary meanings were recognised and utilised to varying extents by different students leading to diverse outcomes. Based on the findings, we discussed the significance of potential disciplinary meanings towards understanding and developing representational competence.