Tan, Augustine Tuck Lee
- PublicationOpen AccessOn the plume splitting of pulsed laser ablated Fe and AI plasmas(American Institute of Physics, 2010)
;Mahmood, S.; ;Darby, M. S. B. ;Zakaullah, M.; ; A time resolved imaging study of pulsed laser ablated Fe and Al plasma plumes with specific interest in the splitting of plumes into the slow and fast moving components as they expand through the background argon gas at different pressures is reported. The material ablation was achieved using a Q-switched Nd:YAG yttrium aluminum garnet laser operating at 532 nm with a pulse duration of 8 ns full width at half maximum and a fluence of 30 Jcm−2 at the target surface. Typical time resolved images with low magnification show that the splitting occurs at moderate background gas pressures 0.5 and 1.0 mbar for Fe, and 0.2 mbar for Al plasma plumes. The plume splitting did not occur for higher background gas pressures.WOS© Citations 36Scopus© Citations 42 340 322 - PublicationOpen AccessOrder of magnitude enhancement in neutron emission with deuterium-krypton admixture operation in miniature plasma focus device(American Institute of Physics, 2008)
;Verma, Rishi; ;Lee, Sing; ; ; Krishnan, M.The effect of varied concentrations of deuterium-krypton (D2 - Kr) admixture on the neutron emission of a fast miniature plasma focus device was investigated. It was found that a judicious concentration of Kr in D2 can significantly enhance the neutron yield. The maximum average neutron yield of (1 ± 0.27) x 104 n/shot for pure D2 filling at 3 mbars was enhanced to (3.14 ± 0.4) x 105 n/shot with D2 + 2% Kr admixture operation, which represents a ˃ 30-fold increase. More than an order of magnitude enhancement in the average neutron yield was observed over the broader operating range of 1–4 mbars for D2 + 2 % Kr and D2 + 5% Kr admixtures.
WOS© Citations 28Scopus© Citations 50 408 300 - PublicationOpen AccessSpectroscopic study of deep level emissions from acceptor defects in ZnO thin films with oxygen rich stoichiometryThis paper reports the tailoring of acceptor defects in oxygen rich ZnO thin films at different post-deposition annealing temperatures (500–800°C) and Mn doping concentrations. The XRD spectra exhibited the nanocrystalline nature of ZnO thin films along with inconsistent variation in lattice parameters suggesting the temperature-dependent activation of structural defects. Photoluminescence emission spectra revealed the temperature dependent variation in deep level emissions (DLE) with the presence of acceptors as dominating defects. The concentration of native defects was estimated to be increased with temperature while a reverse trend was observed for those with increasing doping concentration. A consistent decrease in DLE spectra, with increasing Mn content, revealed the quenching of structural defects in the optical band gap of ZnO favorable for good quality thin films with enhanced optical transparency.
387 306 - PublicationOpen AccessRepetitive operation of a dense plasma soft x-ray source for micromachining(2005-07)
;Wong, D.; ;Patran, Alin Constantin ;Hassan, S. M. ;Zhang, T.; ;Lee, Sing; The NX2 device, a low energy plasma focus, at the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, was used as a soft X-ray (SXR) source for micromachining. The gas used was neon which produced SXRs in a narrow spectral range of 0.9 - 1.6 keV. The SXR yield from repetitive operation of the NX2 device was monitored and measured using a cost effective multi-channel SXR spectrometric system. The system consists of filtered BPX65 PIN diodes, with the associated electronics --- an integrator, sample and peak holder, analogue switch, an A/D converter and a microcontroller. The system enables easy shot-to-shot statistical analysis under repetitive operation at adjustable preset trigger frequencies. A total of 4000 shots were fired at 0.5 Hz, using the same gas filling. The SXR production was at an average yield of 60 J/shot and a maximum single-shot yield of more than 100 J. The SXRs emitted by the NX2 device was used for contact micromachining, producing structures with an excellent aspect ratio of up to 20:1 on 25 μm SU-8 resist.157 180 - PublicationOpen AccessD(3He,p)4He and D(d,p)3H fusion in a small plasma focus operated in a deuterium helium-3 gas mixture(Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, 2006)
; ;Sim, Tzong Haur; ; ;Patran, Alin Constantin; ; Lee, SingA 3 kJ plasma focus was operated with a 3He-D2 gas mixture, with partial pressures in the ratio of 2:1, corresponding to an atomic number ratio of 1:1 for 3He and D atoms. The fusion reactions D(3He,p)4He and D(d,p)3H were measured simultaneously using CR-39 polymer nuclear track detectors placed inside a pinhole camera positioned on the forward plasma focus axis. A sandwich arrangement of two 1000 μm thick CR-39 detectors enabled the simultaneous registration of two groups of protons with approximate energies of 16 MeV and 3 MeV arising from the D(3He,p)4He and D(d,p)3H reactions, respectively. Radial track density distributions were obtained from each CR-39 detector and per-shot average distributions were calculated for the two groups of protons. It is found that the D(3He,p)4He and D(d,p)3H proton yields are of similar magnitude. Comparing the experimental distributions with results from a Monte Carlo simulation, it was deduced that the D(3He,p)4He fusion is concentrated close to the plasma focus pinch column, while the D(d,p)3H fusion occurs relatively far from the pinch. The relative absence of D(d,p)3H fusion in the pinch is one significant reason for concluding that the D(3He,p)4He fusion occurring in the plasma focus pinch is not thermonuclear in origin. It is argued that the bulk of the D(3He,p)4He fusion is due to energetic 3He2+ ions incident on a deuterium target. Possible explanations for differing spatial distributions of D(3He,p)4He and D(d,p)3H fusion in the plasma focus are discussed.424 240 - PublicationMetadata onlyVibrational bands of formaldoxime isotopologue 13CD2NOH in the 280-4000 cm-1 region and rovibrational analysis of its ν12 band by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopyA total of 11 fundamental and 3 overtone bands of the formaldoxime isotopologue 13CD2NOH were identified using its Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra which were recorded with a low resolution (0.50 cm−1) in the 500–4000 cm−1 region, and high resolution (0.00096 cm−1) in the 280–500 cm−1 region. Their relative infrared (IR) band intensities were also measured. Furthermore, a rovibrational analysis of the IR transitions of the band of 13CD2NOH was carried out using its high-resolution FTIR spectrum which was recorded at the Australian Synchrotron. A total of 1077 IR transitions of the C-type band were assigned and fitted using the Watson's A-reduced Hamiltonian in the Ir representation to derive its band center and the = 1 state rovibrational constants up to all 5 quartic centrifugal distortion terms for the first time, with a root-mean-square (rms) deviation of 0.00044 cm−1. The band center of the band of 13CD2NOH were found to be 391.054446(36) cm−1. The ground state rovibrational constants up to all 5 quartic terms were determined for the first time by fitting 407 ground state combination differences (GSCDs) derived from the assigned IR transitions of the band of 13CD2NOH of this work. The rms deviation of the GSCD fit was 0.00040 cm−1. Additionally, all 3 rotational constants and 5 quartic centrifugal distortion terms of the ground state and 3 rotational constants of the = 1 state of 13CD2NOH were computed from theoretical anharmonic calculations at two different levels of theory, B3LYP and MP2 with the cc-pVTZ basis set, for comparison with the experimental results. Close agreement was found for the calculated and experimental rovibrational constants of 13CD2NOH for both ground and = 1 states. The vibrational anharmonic frequencies of the 12 fundamental bands of 13CD2NOH in the 280–4000 cm−1 region, and their IR band intensities were also calculated using B3LYP and MP2 with the cc-pVTZ basis set, and they were compared with the respective experimental data. Finally, the ground state rotational constants and the band center of the band of the cis conformer of 13CD2NOH were calculated and compared with those of the trans conformer of this work.
25 - PublicationOpen AccessLaser shadowgraphic study of the influence of krypton-seeding, switch synchronization and electrode geometry on plasma dynamic in plasma focus device(Springer, 2015)
;Talebitaher, A. ;Kalaiselvi, S. M. P.; ; ; Laser shadowgraphy has been used to investigate the plasma sheath dynamics in a miniature plasma focus device (FMPF-3, 14 kV/235 J). The occurrence of magneto-hydro-dynamics instabilities are compared for pure deuterium versus deuterium–krypton admixture operation, over the range of gas pressures 2–12 mbar. A cathode-less geometry was also tested to study the influence of cathode configuration on current sheath formation and compression. The average neutron yield, measured using 3He proportional counters, is compared for different geometries and gas pressures. The synchronization of the four pseudo-spark-gap switches was found to be a major factor influencing the plasma sheath dynamics and neutron yield. To make a fair comparison of operation with different gas pressures or admixture proportions, the level of switch synchronization must be in the same range. Laser shadowgraphs of early stage dynamics show that poorly synchronized discharges result in asymmetric plasma sheath formation, and asymmetries in the accelerated sheath typically persist till the end of the final compression.WOS© Citations 3Scopus© Citations 5 382 246 - PublicationOpen AccessChemometric feature selection and classification of Ganoderma lucidum spores and fruiting body using ATR-FTIR spectroscopyGanoderma lucidum (G. lucidum) spores as a valuable Chinese herbal medicine have vast marketable prospect for its bioactivities and medicinal efficacy. This study aims at the development of an effective and simple analytical method to distinguish G. lucidum spores from its fruiting body, which is of essential importance for the quality control and fast discrimination of raw materials of Chinese herbal medicine. Attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy combined with the appropriate chemometric methods including penalized discriminant analysis, principal component discriminant analysis and partial least squares discriminant analysis has been proven to be a rapid and powerful tool for discrimination of G. lucidum spores and its fruiting body with classification accuracy of 99%. The model leads to a well-performed selection of informative spectral absorption bands which improve the classification accuracy, reduce the model complexity and enhance the quantitative interpretations of the chemical constituents of G. lucidum spores regarding its anticancer effects.
417 461 - PublicationOpen AccessEnhanced indirect ferromagnetic p-d exchange coupling of Mn in oxygen rich ZnO:Mn nanoparticles synthesized by wet chemical method(American Institute of Physics, 2012)
;Usman Ilyas; ; ; ;Chen, R. ;Sun, H. D. ;Li, FengjiZhang, SamThis paper investigates the ferromagnetism in ZnO:Mn powders and presents our findings about the role played by the doping concentration and the structural defects towards the ferromagnetic signal. The narrow-size-distributed ZnO:Mn nanoparticles based powders with oxygen rich stoichiometery were synthesized by wet chemical method using zinc acetate dihydrate and manganese acetate tetrahydrate as precursors. A consistent increase in the lattice cell volume, estimated from x-ray diffraction spectra and the presence of Mn 2p3/2 peak at 640.9 eV, in x-ray photoelectron spectroscopic spectra, confirmed a successful incorporation of manganese in its Mn2+ oxidation state in ZnO host matrix. Extended deep level emission spectra in Mn doped ZnO powders exhibited the signatures of oxygen interstitials and zinc vacancies except for the sample with 5 at. % Mn doping. The nanocrystalline powders with 2 and 5 at. % Mn doping concentration were ferromagnetic at room temperature while the 10 at. % Mn doped sample exhibited paramagnetic behavior. The maximum saturation magnetization of 0.05 emu/g in the nanocrystalline powder with 5 at. % Mn doping having minimum defects validated the ferromagnetic signal to be due to strong p-d hybridization of Mn ions.
WOS© Citations 37Scopus© Citations 40 235 317 - PublicationOpen AccessA clustering group lasso method for quantification of adulteration in black cumin seed oil using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopyBlack cumin seed oil (BCSO) contains a large number of bioactive compounds and thus has many medicinal health benefits and uses. Its high economic profits in the market lead to the frequent occurrence of adulterating this oil with cheaper edible oils such as grape seed oil, walnut oil. It is difficult to detect adulteration as the oil adulterant has similar physical characteristic and even similar chemical composition to the authentic oil. The development of an accurate and rapid analytical method using attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy is of essential importance for determination of authenticity of BCSO and quantification of oil adulterants. In this study, BCSO and grape seed oil (GSO) were mixed in various ratios to mimic the adulteration. A clustering group lasso method was developed by incorporating both the high correlation structure of spectral variables and the underlying group features into the model. Instead of assuming that groups are known a priori as does ordinary group lasso, the clustering group lasso infers groups of spectral features from the data and encourages spectral variables within a group to have a shared association with the response. The model using ATR-FTIR spectroscopy proved to be a powerful tool to quantify BCSO adulteration with high accuracy and can accurately predict the quantity of adulterant at levels as low as 5%. With a substantial reduction in number of spectral features, the clustering group lasso model shows a simple regression coefficient profile with improved interpretability as compared to the ordinary group lasso model and other penalized models. The spectral regions automatically selected for quantification of BCSO adulteration can be helpful for the interpretation of the major chemical constituents of BCSO regarding its anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory effects from a chemometric perspective.
WOS© Citations 2Scopus© Citations 7 116 118