Now showing 1 - 10 of 38
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Flowgorithm: A possible passage from algorithmic reasoning to creatively founded mathematical reasoning
    (2021) ; ;
    Huang, Wendy
    Chan, Shiau Wei
    Wu, Longkai
    This paper argues that algorithm design in the sense of computational thinking (CT) does not involve only routinized procedural applications void of deep conceptual understanding of mathematics. By using the programming language Flowgorithm, we demonstrate how classroom tasks centred around algorithm design may be used to activate creatively founded mathematical reasoning (CMR) in mathematics students.
      227  346
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Operational domain theory and topology of a sequential programming language
    (Elsevier, 2009)
    Escardó, Martín
    A number of authors have exported domain-theoretic techniques from denotational semantics to the operational study of contextual equivalence and order. We further develop this, and, moreover, we additionally export topological techniques. In particular, we work with an operational notion of compact set and show that total programs with values on certain types are uniformly continuous on compact sets of total elements. We apply this and other conclusions to prove the correctness of non-trivial programs that manipulate infinite data. What is interesting is that the development applies to sequential programming languages, in addition to languages with parallel features.
    WOS© Citations 9Scopus© Citations 12  146  175
  • Publication
    Theory of frames
    The study of frames can be traced back to as early as Wallman's work in 1938, in which he initiated the study of topological properties from a lattice-theoretical point of view. C. Ehresmann and J. Benabou firstly regarded complete Heyting algebras as generalised topological spaces in their own right. Such lattices were called 'local lattices'. It was Dowker and Strauss who first used the term 'frame' in their systematic study of such structure. After that many people have made a significant contribution to the study of frames (or locales: the opposite categorical version of frames), such as Isbell, Banaschewski, Joyal, Johnstone, Simmons, etc.

    On the other hand, inspired by frames, several types of generalised frames have been introduced and studied in relatively recent times. Three notable examples of generalised frames are σ-frames, κ-frames and preframes. The κ-frames, which were first systematically studied by Madden recently, generalise both frames and σ-frames. While preframes, which have been carefully studied by Johnstone and Vickers, belong to a different type of generalisation.

    The emergence of Ζ-continuous posets which unifies various "continuous" structures and discussed most of their basic properties. In 1992, D. Zhao launched a similar programme in attempt to make a uniform approach to various frame-like structure by introducing Ζ-frames. The approach turns out to be very convenient and effective for further categorical treatment.

    Category theory is an economical tool that provides a common framework for many branches of mathematics, especially in topology and algebra. In the process of my study of generalised frames, categorical concepts are employed extensively.

    My three-years course of study has been constantly motivated by many important papers and publications. The first one, Nuclearity by K.A. Rowe ([19]), is an important paper. The concept of nuclearity aims to characterise finite-dimensionality in symmetric monoidal closed categories. Rowe made a systematic study of nuclearity via many different examples.

    The second one is on Nuclearity in the category of complete semilattices by D.A. Higgs and KA. Rowe ([11]). This paper demonstrated that the nuclear objects of the category of complete lattices are precisely the completely distributive lattices (CDL for short). In lattice theory, completely distributive lattices have always attracted special attention. Thus, the CDLs, became one of the most important classes of lattices and have been extensively studied by many authors. This fact, together with many other examples in [19], lead to the following question: Are nuclear objects projective? The first part of my project indicates a positive answer with some minimal assumptions.

    The book A compendium of continuous lattices ([10]), written by six expert lattice-theorists (G. Gierz et al.), is an excellent guidebook for me in learning the ropes of continuous lattice theory. Difficult book it is indeed, but it gives a concise and in-depth treatment of continuity in lattice theory. It gives me a very sound foundation that prepares me to understand D.Zhao's approach to generalised frame theory via Ζ-theory.

    The doctoral dissertation Generalisation of Continuous Lattices and Frames by D.Zhao ([21]) gives a detailed and clear introduction of Ζ-frames. It opened up a completely new and exciting area of research for me because the concepts and mathematical concepts that arise from Ζ-frames are very rich.

    One natural question is whether the concept of nuclearity may be defined for the category of Ζ-frames. The very first step is, of course, to understand how tensor products may be set up in order that we have an autonomous categorical structure.

    So the third paper Tensor products and bimorphisms by B.Banaschewski and E. Nelson ([1]) provides very handy information about conditions which will guarantee the existence of tensor multiplication in a concrete category.

    Despite the promises that the Ζ-theory seemed to offer, there is one main obstacle that hinders a natural autonomous structure on ZFrm : It is not even clear how the internal hom may be established, let alone the tensor product. However, in the categories of complete join-semilattice, frames and preframes, various constructions have been made to show that they are autonomous categories (see [11], [16] and [17]). This branches off to two alternatives. One of them is to simplify the problem and focus on a less intricate category, namely the category of the Ζ-complete posets and the morphisms that preserve Ζ-sups. Although the internal hom exists, we still cannot enjoy the luxury of having a tensor product.

    Another approach, which may be more difficult, is to generalise P. Johnstone's work ([16]). It seems that we can take advantage of the monadic nature of the category of Ζ-frames. Much work, involving Universal Algebra and Proof Theory, remains to be done in this direction.

    The sixth is the paper On projective z-frames by D.Zhao ([23]) which characterises the E-projective objects in the category zFrm in adjunction to the category of semilattices. This leads to the study of E-projective objects in the category of frames in adjunction to the category of Ζ-frames. While working furiously at this problem, I ventured into the topic of generalised Scott-topology.
      222  25
  • Publication
    Metadata only
    A particle swarm optimisation approach to the generalised Fermat Point Problem: Rethinking how a problem is solved
    (Mathematics and Technology, LLC., 2023) ;
    Lim, Chu Wei
    This position paper claims that the way a mathematical problem is solved depends on the technology available to the problem-solver then. Drawing on the authors’ mathematical experience of finding a new solution to an old problem - the Generalised Fermat Point Problem, salient observations are drawn to illustrate how a problem solver’s experience can shaped by technological affordances.
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Four solutions of a geometry problem
    (Association of Mathematics Educators, 2020) ; ; ; ;
    Tong, Cherng Luen
    This article focuses on a challenging geometry problem that was originally posed to primary school students. Four solution approaches, ranging from elementary to advanced, are discussed. Reflections on these approaches and the problem solving processes are also shared.
      332  203
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract: Surveying its origins and charting its future
    (Association of Mathematics Educators, 2015) ; ;
    The Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract (CPA) approach, based on Bruner’s conception of the enactive, iconic and symbolic modes of representation, is a well-known instructional heuristic advocated by the Singapore Ministry of Education since early 1980’s. Despite its ubiquity as a teaching strategy throughout the entire mathematics education community in Singapore, it is somewhat surprising to see a lack of an account of its theoretical roots. This paper is an attempt to contribute to this discussion on the CPA strategy and its potential role in continuing advancement of quality mathematics education.
      2532  34959
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Learning through “plane punctuality”
    (World Scientific, 2015)
    The prompt service of in- and out-bound flights has made Changi Airport one of the best airports in the world. This chapter showcases how modelling tasks can be woven into the rich fabric of real-life contexts, that is familiar to Singapore students.
      207  199
  • Publication
    Open Access
    The Ho-Zhao problem
    (Logical Methods in Computer Science, 2018) ;
    Goubault-Larrecq, Jean
    Jung, Achim
    Xi, Xiaoyong
    Given a poset P, the set, Γ(P) of all Scott closed sets ordered by inclusion forms a complete lattice. A subcategory C of Posd (the category of posets and Scott-continuous maps) is said to be Γ-faithful if for any posets P and Q in C, Γ(P)≅Γ(Q) implies P≅Q. It is known that the category of all continuous dcpos and the category of bounded complete dcpos are Γ-faithful, while Posd is not. Ho & Zhao (2009) asked whether the category DCPO of dcpos is Γ-faithful. In this paper, we answer this question in the negative by exhibiting a counterexample. To achieve this, we introduce a new subcategory of dcpos which is Γ-faithful. This subcategory subsumes all currently known Γ-faithful subcategories. With this new concept in mind, we construct the desired counterexample which relies heavily on Johnstone's famous dcpo which is not sober in its Scott topology.
    WOS© Citations 8Scopus© Citations 18  209  192
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Graphing a quadrilateral using a single Cartesian equation
    Lai, Wei
    In this paper, we show that it is possible to graph an arbitrarily given quadrilateral (with known vertices) using only a single Cartesian equation. Crucially, we rely on matrix algebra; in particular, projective mappings which are commonly exploited in computer graphics but seldom mentioned in high school lessons or undergraduate matrix algebra courses. Our exploration is also helped by the use of a graphing calculator. Assuming no prior knowledge of matrices on the part of the reader, this paper introduces the necessary matrix-related machinery that our discussion requires.
      79  198
  • Publication
    Metadata only
    Applications of Scott-closed sets in convex structures
    (Elsevier, 2022)
    Yue, Yueli
    Yao, Wei
    The aim of this paper is to show that Scott-closed sets have a good application in convex structures. Firstly, based on remotehood system, we give a characterization of convex structure by the Kleisli monoid with respect to the Scott-closed set monad. Then, by an op-canonical lax extension of the Scott-closed set monad, we introduce convex convergence spaces and prove that convex structures are precisely the reflexive and transitive lax algebras. Finally, we study the relationship between ordered structures and separated convex structures.
    WOS© Citations 6Scopus© Citations 9  76