Now showing 1 - 10 of 13
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Cross-cultural considerations with Asian Indian American clients: A perspective on psychological assessment
    Research on Asian Indian American indicates anunder-utilization of mental health services within this minority group. This chapter provides a cultural profile of individuals from this ethnic minority group. The primary focus of this chapter is to provide culturally sensitive guidelines for practice in psychological assessment and counseling when working with Asian Indian Americans. The first section provides an overview of the cultural context of the Asian Indian American in terms of issues related to formation of ethnic identity and degree of acculturation, the importance of family, gender roles and expectations, and commonly held cultural beliefs, values and customs. It also indicates potential stressors that may be commonly experienced among Asian Indian Americans. The second section describes the attitudes towards mental illness, disability and help seeking behaviors prevalent among Asian Indian Americans that act as a deterrent in accessing mental health services. The third section provides culturally sensitive recommendations to increase accessibility and acceptance of mental health services among Asian Indian Americans. Guidelines include solutions to increase service utilization by customizing service delivery methods to fit client needs, using systems based and directive approaches to understand the Asian Indian American client, allocating counselors based on client values and gender preferences, and collaborating with medical professionals and indigenous healers to provide more comprehensive mental health services to this minority population.
      251  789
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Developing and piloting an assessment tool of daily living skills for students with Special Educational Needs (SEN) in Singapore
    (National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University (NIE NTU), Singapore, 2024)
    Chen, Mo
    Nair, Rahul
    Reynolds, Simon
    Chong, Suet Ling
      43  1402
  • Publication
    Training in-service teachers in functional behavior assessment and function-based interventions: A scoping review
    (Springer, 2024) ; ;
    Nair, Rahul
    Functional behavior assessment (FBA) and function-based interventions are empirically validated interventions employed in schools. Teachers play a necessary role in the development and implementation of these individualized behavior plans to prevent and manage student challenging behavior. The current study sought to conduct a scoping review on the content and instructional delivery of FBA and function-based interventions’ training for in-service teachers. We employed methods consistent with standards for systematic review and meta-analysis (e.g., Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses [PRISMA]). The methodological rigor of included studies was also evaluated using Cochrane’s tool for assessing the risk of bias and what works clearinghouse guidelines for group and single case experimental design studies, respectively. Five databases were searched, and our initial search yielded 20,827 articles. After deleting duplicates on Endnote 9, titles and abstracts were screened by two independent reviewers resulting in 177 articles for full text article screening. Full text article screening across two independent reviewers resulted in nine studies for further thematic analyses of results based on this scoping review’s inclusion criteria. Implications of findings for future research and practice directions in in-service teacher professional development are further discussed.
      51  83
  • Publication
    Metadata only
    Cross‐cultural adaptation and validation of the Chinese version of skills and needs inventories in functional behavior assessments and interventions (SNI‐FBAI‐CN)
    (Wiley, 2024)
    Chen, Mo
    Nair, Rahul
    Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of measures are necessary to provide evidence-based educational intervention services among children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) across countries. Language plays an integral role in the cross-cultural adaptation and validation process of measures. Currently, there are limited validated tools in Chinese available to assess special education teachers' skills in functional behavior assessments and interventions in Mainland China to effectively support students with ASD. This study aimed to validate a Chinese version of the Skills and Needs Inventories in Functional Behavior Assessments and Interventions (SNI-FBAI-CN) in mainland China. The SNI-FBAI, originally developed and validated in Singapore, in the English language, was translated, culturally adapted, and then administered to 239 special education teachers in two schools for children with ASD in China. Results show that the SNI-FBAI-CN has a three-factor structure (i.e., skills in behavioral assessment, skills in behavioral interventions, and needs for training) that fits the data well, with good reliability for the overall scale, as well as the three subscales. Partial measurement invariance was established between the Chinese and the original Singapore samples, providing additional construct validity evidence for this tool. Limitations of this study and directions for future research are discussed.
  • Publication
    An experimental evaluation on the effectiveness of a web based training program in functional behavioral assessment and interventions with special education schools in Singapore
    (Office of Education Research, National Institute of Education, Singapore, 2020) ; ;
    Nair, Rahul
    Over the last several decades, behavioral methods have proven to be most effective in reducing challenging behaviors (Murphy et al. 2005). Developed on the principles of applied behavior analysis (ABA), behavioral methods such as functional behavior assessments (FBA) and behavioral interventions, have been established as “best practice” to address a student’s challenging behavior (Alberto & Troutman, 2013; Cooper, Heron & Heward, 2007). Additionally, in the international context, research findings within the behavioral literature seem to suggest a critical training need in FBA and behavior intervention skills among school personnel who work with children with disabilities, especially those with challenging behaviors. Similar findings were documented within the local context. In an effort to evaluate competencies and training needs in FBA and behavioral interventions in Singapore, Dutt, Chen, and Nair (2018) conducted an exploratory study that investigated skills and training needs reported by 378 special educators and 38 teaching assistants in FBA and behavioral interventions across seven SPED schools in Singapore. This study was funded by the Office of Educational Research, NIE (SUG 18/11 AD). Results indicated a high need for training among special educators and teaching assistants in a) effective behavioral intervention strategies to manage severe challenging behaviors (e.g., differential reinforcement procedures), b) behavior assessment procedures to identify the function of challenging behaviors (e.g., direct and indirect measures used in an FBA), and (c) skill training programs to teach functional skills to replace challenging behaviors (e.g., use of various graduated prompting procedures). Additionally, findings revealed that training needs in FBA and behavioral interventions were higher for teaching assistants than special educators. Being the first study of its kind in Singapore to explore training needs of SPED school personnel in this area of behavior supports, the results of this study provides insightful evidence to inform the creation of professional development programs in FBA and behavioral interventions, customized to the diverse training needs of various groups of school personnel.

    Given the large numbers of school personnel that could benefit from training in function based behavior assessments and interventions, web-based training platforms could be employed to reach a larger audience. With current advances in modern technology and greater accessibility, online and technology-mediated learning have become a plausible and sustainable means of providing professional development opportunities, especially when faced with financial, geographical limitations and the lack of trainers/experts to provide on-site support (Daytner, Robinson, Schneider, & Johanson, 2009; Stone-MacDonald & Douglass, 2015; Yang, Tzuo, & Komara, 2011). Online instruction refers to the delivery of training with the use of communication technology that can be accessed by teacher(s) on a device at any place, possibly at any time, with internet (Allen, Jones, Davies, Lowe, & Jarman, 2008). Communication and learning could happen in real time (e.g., through a videoconference), or asynchronously (e.g., through emails, forums). Thus, training can be continuous and accessible at all times and it need not always depend on the trainers’ availability (Allen et al., 2008).
      272  14
  • Publication
    Open Access
    The use of iPad and eBooks to perform daily living skills among adolescents with autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability
    (Sage, 2023)
    Yeong, Adeline Mun Yan
    Yong, Yvonne Hui Lin
    Nair, Rahul
    In the current study, three adolescents with autism spectrum disorder and moderate intellectual disability were first taught to independently use an iPad to access instructional material (i.e., video models) via electronic books or eBooks. After iPad training, participants were required to apply their newly acquired skills to independently operate the iPad and eBooks to learn and perform other novel daily living tasks. The study employed a single case, non-concurrent multiple baseline design across participants during the iPad training phase and across tasks for each participant during the application phase. Results based on visual analysis indicated that all participants learned to independently operate the iPad and access instructional materials presented via eBooks. Furthermore, they applied these skills to learn and independently perform other novel daily living tasks. Effect size estimates using between case standardized mean difference showed improvements in responding subsequent to iPad training.
    WOS© Citations 1Scopus© Citations 4  162  355
  • Publication
    Metadata only
    Significant regional inequalities in the prevalence of intellectual disability and trends from 1990 to 2019: a systematic analysis of GBD 2019
    (Cambridge University Press, 2019)
    R. Nair
    ; ;
    Hagopian, L.
    Singh, A.
    Du, M.

    Policymakers and researchers have little evidence on prevalence rates of intellectual dis ability (ID) or their changes over time to tailor healthcare interventions. Prevalence rates and trends of ID are especially lacking in regions with lower socio-demographic development. Additionally, the assessment of inequalities in the prevalence of ID across regions with vary ing socio-demographic development is understudied. This study assessed variations in preva lence rates of ID from 1990 to 2019 and the related inequalities between low and high socio demographic index (SDI) regions.
    This study used global data from 1990 to 2019 for individuals with ID from the 2019 Global Burden of Diseases study. Data analyses were performed from September 2021 to January 2022. Prevalence for individuals with ID was extracted by sex, age groups and SDI regions. Annual percentage change (APC) was estimated for each demographic group within SDI regions to assess their prevalence trends over 30 years. Relative and absolute inequalities were calculated between low and high SDI regions for the various age groups.
    In 2019, there were 107.62 million (1.74%) individuals with ID, with an APC of −0.80 (−0.88 to −0.72). There was a slightly higher prevalence among males (1.42%) than females (1.37%). The highest prevalence rates were found in the low-middle SDI regions (2.42%) and the lowest prevalence rates were in the high SDI regions (0.33%). There was a large reduction in the prevalence rate between the youngest age group v. the oldest age group in all the SDI regions and at all time points. The relative inequalities between low and high SDI regions increased over three decades.
    While an overall decrease in global prevalence rate for ID was found, relative inequalities continue to increase with lower SDI regions needing more comprehensive support services. The demographic trends indicate a significantly higher mortality rate among those with ID ν. the rest of the population. Our study highlights the necessity for policies and inter ventions targeting lower SDI regions to mobilise resources that better support individuals with ID and achieve sustainable development goals proposed by the United Nations.

  • Publication
    Metadata only
    Multi-tiered well-being interventions: Envisioning a model for prevention and remediation
    (Springer, 2024)
    Chye, Stefanie

    Mental health issues are on the rise worldwide. Recent studies suggest that students may benefit from a preventative approach to mental health and well-being. Traditionally, mental health services have adopted a reactive approach, focusing on the diagnosis and treatment of pathology. Traditional approaches in the form of remedial mental health support have their place in service delivery. Increasingly, there is acknowledgement that mental health professionals need to support both the reduction of mental illness and the improvement of personal well-being. With new forms of evidence-based supports to improve well-being currently being generated from the field of positive psychology and positive education, traditional approaches to mental health could be further complemented and counterbalanced by a preventive approach from positive psychology and positive education. The present work brings together existing studies in a holistic model. Through the analysis of existing models, study of promising practices and incorporation of technology, the authors envision a model and propose a programme that can provide prevention and remediation support for mental health in schools. It is hoped that these proposals would contribute to evidence-informed school and classroom practices that promote overall student well-being.

  • Publication
    Open Access
    Systematic review of reviews on Activities of Daily Living measures for children with developmental disabilities
    (Elsevier, 2022) ; ;
    Nair, Rahul

    Background There seems to be a lack of consensus on the concept and domains of Activities of Daily Living (ADL) measured among children and adolescents with developmental disabilities (DD), despite a significant number of existing measures of ADL and associated constructs, and two prevailing theoretical frameworks (i.e., the cognitive-social-practical framework, and the activity-and-participation framework).

    This systematic review (SR) aims to identify articles that systematically reviewed measures of ADL for children and adolescents aged 7–18 years with DD to evaluate the quality of included articles, and describe the measures and domains identified.

    Methods and Procedures:
    Searches were conducted in PubMed®, Academic Search Complete® (EBSCOhost), Education Source Search® (EBSCOhost), ERIC® (EBSCOhost), and PsychInfo® (EBSCOhost). 14,931 articles were identified, and two researchers completed title screening, abstract screening, and full-text screening, with disagreements resolved. Out of these 14,931 articles, fourteen were included, which resulted in a total of 163 ADL measures. Out of the 163 ADL measures, forty-eight met the criteria and were included for analysis. PRISMA and COSMIN checklists were used to appraise the methodological quality of the included articles.

    Outcomes and results
    Results indicated that most of the 14 systematic review articles did not provide information on instrument development and content validity of their included measures. Analysis of the identified 48 measures of ADL and its associated constructs revealed heterogeneity in domains covered, although there were seven domains that were most often included.

    Conclusions and implications
    Implications in terms of practice, research, and policy are further discussed.

    WOS© Citations 2Scopus© Citations 3  91  140