Now showing 1 - 10 of 20
  • Publication
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    Significant regional inequalities in the prevalence of intellectual disability and trends from 1990 to 2019: a systematic analysis of GBD 2019
    (Cambridge University Press, 2019)
    R. Nair
    ; ;
    Hagopian, L.
    Singh, A.
    Du, M.

    Policymakers and researchers have little evidence on prevalence rates of intellectual dis ability (ID) or their changes over time to tailor healthcare interventions. Prevalence rates and trends of ID are especially lacking in regions with lower socio-demographic development. Additionally, the assessment of inequalities in the prevalence of ID across regions with vary ing socio-demographic development is understudied. This study assessed variations in preva lence rates of ID from 1990 to 2019 and the related inequalities between low and high socio demographic index (SDI) regions.
    This study used global data from 1990 to 2019 for individuals with ID from the 2019 Global Burden of Diseases study. Data analyses were performed from September 2021 to January 2022. Prevalence for individuals with ID was extracted by sex, age groups and SDI regions. Annual percentage change (APC) was estimated for each demographic group within SDI regions to assess their prevalence trends over 30 years. Relative and absolute inequalities were calculated between low and high SDI regions for the various age groups.
    In 2019, there were 107.62 million (1.74%) individuals with ID, with an APC of −0.80 (−0.88 to −0.72). There was a slightly higher prevalence among males (1.42%) than females (1.37%). The highest prevalence rates were found in the low-middle SDI regions (2.42%) and the lowest prevalence rates were in the high SDI regions (0.33%). There was a large reduction in the prevalence rate between the youngest age group v. the oldest age group in all the SDI regions and at all time points. The relative inequalities between low and high SDI regions increased over three decades.
    While an overall decrease in global prevalence rate for ID was found, relative inequalities continue to increase with lower SDI regions needing more comprehensive support services. The demographic trends indicate a significantly higher mortality rate among those with ID ν. the rest of the population. Our study highlights the necessity for policies and inter ventions targeting lower SDI regions to mobilise resources that better support individuals with ID and achieve sustainable development goals proposed by the United Nations.

  • Publication
    Open Access
    Investigating the public’s experiences and knowledge of communicating with people with dementia
    (Springer, 2022) ;
    Ng, Clarissa Ming Yi
    Yu, Jing Rong
    In a rapidly ageing society, a significant number of the elderly are susceptible to dementia, a condition that results in varying degrees of communication impairments. Yet, current research shows that many Singaporeans lack effective communication skills with patients with dementia, contributing to the increased loneliness felt by patients with dementia. In order to understand the severity of the issue mentioned, this project designed an online survey via Qualtrics which was distributed through snowball sampling to potential parties on various platforms such as social media and emails. With a total of 259 participants, our results show that Singaporeans generally lack technical communication skills when conversing with patients with dementia. Yet, many have had experiences communicating with patients with dementia. Results of this study add to previous research done on society’s treatment towards patients with dementia and also offer possible ways Singapore can be more inclusive towards the dementia community.
      164  167
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    Open Access
    Construct, convergent and discriminant validity of the Beach Center Family Quality of Life Scale for Singapore
    (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2019) ;
    Xie, Huichao
    Family quality of life (FQoL) constitutes an important aspect of early intervention. However, the culture bound nature of this construct necessitates validation of FQoL measures when being used in a culture different from the one in which they were developed. This study sought to understand the psychometric properties and construct validity of the Beach Center FQoL (BCFQoL) scale in Singapore. Data from 307 caregivers of children in an early intervention programme were used. These caregivers completed the BCFQoL scale and external validity measures of family outcomes, psychological distress and life situation. Confirmatory factor analysis and correlations were used to examine the factor structure and convergent and discriminant validity of the BCFQoL scale. Results indicated support for five FQoL dimensions and a higher-order FQoL factor. External convergent and discriminant validity, as well as internal statistical discriminant validity of the individual BCFQoL dimensions were supported. Despite evidence of internal statistical discriminant validity, there was little variation in the strength of the relationships between individual BCFQoL dimensions and the various external validity measures. Overall, the results of this study support the use of the BCFQoL scale as a valid measure of FQoL in Singapore.
    WOS© Citations 12Scopus© Citations 11  353  256
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Developing and piloting a computerized adaptive test for a culturally appropriate measure of adaptive behavior
    Culturally bounded in nature, adaptive behavior is the degree to which a person meets the requirements of personal independence and social responsibilities. This study aimed to develop a computerized adaptive test (CAT) of a culturally appropriate adaptive behavior measure (i.e., the Activities and Participation Rating Scale [APRS]) in the Singapore context for children aged 7 to 12 years, that is, the CAT-APRS-Primary. In Study 1, an item bank consisting of 310 adaptive skills was developed and piloted among 56 caregivers. In Study 2, the refined 310 items were calibrated using Rasch analysis among 352 caregivers. After the removal of five poor items based on the Rasch analysis, the finalized 305 items were used for the CAT development, with these items showing good Rasch person and item fit statistics. Preliminary utility of the CAT-APRS-Primary was established, with participants completing 24 items on average. Limitations and implications for future research were discussed.
    WOS© Citations 2Scopus© Citations 2  328  269
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    Effect of partner reauditorization on young adults' attitudes toward a child who communicated using nonelectronic augmentative and alternative communication
    (Taylor & Francis, 2021)
    Hyppa-Martin, Jolene
    Janka, Emily
    Halverson, Natalie
    This study examined whether partner reauditorization affected the attitudes reported by young adults toward a child who communicated using nonelectronic AAC. The study also examined preferences for the way the AAC system was used (i.e., in the presence or absence of reauditorization), whether reauditorization was associated with differences in perceptions about the social interactions with the child, and ease of understanding the child’s aided messages. For the study, 84 young adults viewed (a) one video of a child who communicated using nonelectronic AAC in which the child’s communication partner reauditorized the child’s aided message, and (b) a second video in which the message was not reauditorized. Participants answered survey questions designed to measure dependent variables including attitudes, ease of understanding, perceptions about the child’s social interactions, and preferences regarding reauditorization. Attitudes toward the child were more positive when reauditorization was implemented. Partner reauditorization may play a role in improving attitudes that individuals hold about a child who uses nonelectronic AAC and may also contribute to the ease of understanding an aided message.
    WOS© Citations 1Scopus© Citations 1  49
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    Open Access
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  • Publication
    Changing professional identities: A qualitative study of how Singapore allied educators managed their own resistance to change
    (Taylor & Francis, 2024) ;
    Ow Yeong, Wai Mang Elizabeth
    In order to recruit sufficient special education allied educators for children with mild special education needs in Singapore public schools, the government removed the general education allied educators scheme, and offered its incumbents the opportunity to retrain as Allied Educators (Learning and Behavioural Support). This qualitative research traced the mid-career identity change process of seven allied educators who accepted this offer. Analysis of interviews using Corbin and Strauss’s grounded theory produced 13 themes grouped into five categories. The five propositions derived from these categories showed how participants managed their resistance to professional identity change by recognising the similarities between their current and new roles and identities; and by experiencing the new role under the mentorship of senior Allied Educators (Learning and Behavioural Support). This resistance self-management process resulted in participants’ increased commitment to their new identities. Implications for facilitating professional identity changes amongst educators are discussed.
      39  155
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Development and psychometric properties of a culturally adapted video version of strange stories as a measure of advanced theory of mind in youths
    This study described the development of a culturally adapted video version of Strange Stories test as a measure of advanced theory of mind for youths in an Asian country (i.e. Singapore), the Y-ToM, and to provide preliminary psychometric properties. Participants were 170 youths (82 male, 88 female) aged from 13 to 16 years old (M = 14.77, SD = 1.16) in Singapore. The youths completed the Y-ToM, an abbreviated IQ test and the Happé’s Strange Stories in a counterbalanced order while their parents completed the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL). A two-factor structure consisting of social and physical subscales was suggested. Concurrent, convergent, divergent and diagnostic validity of the Y-ToM was examined. Internal consistency of the Y-ToM social subscale was acceptable though it was not satisfactory for the Y-ToM physical subscale. Inter-rater reliability was good while test-retest reliability was lower.
      97  206
  • Publication
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    Cross-cultural considerations for adapting valid psychoeducational assessments
    (Springer, 2022) ;
    Accurate measurement of children’s understanding and learning is essential for educational practice – in order to identify individual needs, evaluate pedagogical effects, and ultimately inform broader education policy. Much research and practice in child learning and development is predicated on accurate measurement. However, most common measurement instruments (tests, surveys) have been developed and validated in Western contexts. While these measures may be broadly appropriate for use in Singapore, they may not exhibit the same measurement properties and validity as reported in other contexts and may require modification. This chapter will thus focus on the need for locally validated and culturally appropriate measures in Singapore and the factors that may influence the development and adaptation of such measures. Specifically, this chapter will consider how the unique context of Singapore differs from Western contexts and how these contextual factors relate to and can inform the adaptation and use of different types of measurement instruments: self- and other-report inventories, norm-referenced standardised tests, and computerised adaptive tests (CATs). For example, norm-referenced measures which seek to compare a child to his or her peers require a valid frame of reference which is not necessarily provided by internationally standardised and normed measures, while CATs allow for more individualised and efficient testing experiences. In summary, this chapter will use concrete examples of test adaptation and development as well as evaluations of the measurement properties of internationally validated measures to highlight issues regarding cross-cultural measurement in the context of childhood development in Singapore. Implications for practitioners will be highlighted.
  • Publication
    Training in-service teachers in functional behavior assessment and function-based interventions: A scoping review
    (Springer, 2024) ; ;
    Nair, Rahul
    Functional behavior assessment (FBA) and function-based interventions are empirically validated interventions employed in schools. Teachers play a necessary role in the development and implementation of these individualized behavior plans to prevent and manage student challenging behavior. The current study sought to conduct a scoping review on the content and instructional delivery of FBA and function-based interventions’ training for in-service teachers. We employed methods consistent with standards for systematic review and meta-analysis (e.g., Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses [PRISMA]). The methodological rigor of included studies was also evaluated using Cochrane’s tool for assessing the risk of bias and what works clearinghouse guidelines for group and single case experimental design studies, respectively. Five databases were searched, and our initial search yielded 20,827 articles. After deleting duplicates on Endnote 9, titles and abstracts were screened by two independent reviewers resulting in 177 articles for full text article screening. Full text article screening across two independent reviewers resulted in nine studies for further thematic analyses of results based on this scoping review’s inclusion criteria. Implications of findings for future research and practice directions in in-service teacher professional development are further discussed.
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