Tan, Steven Kwang San
- PublicationOpen AccessThe practices of expert teachers(National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University (NIE NTU), Singapore, 2002)
;Schempp, Paul; McCullick, BryanEveryone who steps in front of a group of students wants to teach well. Teachers spend countless hours in preparation for teaching. Many continue their education far beyond their initial training by attending workshops, reading relevant books and articles, and pursuing advanced degrees. It is interesting to note, however, that it appears to be the better teachers, those with more experience and expertise, who more avidly pursue knowledge to teach better. In a recent study, it was found that experienced teachers believed they had a great deal to learn about teaching, while novice teachers believed they knew everything they needed to know about teaching (Schempp, Tan, Manross, & Fincher, 1998). The better teachers are eager to learn. It is perhaps one reason they are better teachers.
Over the course of the last several years, research conducted at the Sport Instruction Research Laboratory at the University of Georgia (USA) has focused on understanding the characteristics and qualities of expert teachers in a variety of subject areas. While all of the subjects studied were sport or physical activity related, the findings hold implications for all teachers looking to improve their practices.
389 2350 - PublicationOpen AccessStudent teachers’ reflection on classroom practices(1992-09)
;Chen, Ai-Yen ;Seng, Alice Seok-Hoon ;Moo, Swee Ngoh ;Tan, Swee Chiew116 322 - PublicationOpen AccessPatriotism and national education: Perceptions of trainee teachers(Taylor & Francis, 2006)
; ;Khoo, Angeline ;Goh, Chor Boon; Gopinathan, SaravananThe effective teaching of National Education requires from the teacher a sense of commitment and personal conviction. The teacher has to demonstrate confidence in what is said and taught in class, and more importantly, through his or her personal values and convictions. In other words, the teacher is required to be patriotic. This paper examines the different types of patriotism among our trainee teachers, and how these types of patriotism influence their citizenship values, their perceptions of the importance of National Education, and the extent to which National Education is viewed as government propaganda. The results revealed four homogenous clusters that differed significantly in terms of perceptions of citizenship, importance of National Education, and the extent to which National Education is viewed as government propaganda.265 1766 - PublicationMetadata onlyVideo as an instructional tool in transforming teachers’ pedagogical practices and mentoring skills in physical educationThis chapter focuses on video analysis as a tool to enhance physical education teachers’ pedagogical practices and experienced practitioners’ mentoring skills. It offers a description of how videos have been managed to help beginning physical education teachers (hereafter “beginning teachers”) reflect and improve on their pedagogical performance, and to develop instructional mentors’ (hereafter “mentors”) competence. Exemplary digital videos were created that represented the desired “best practice” teaching actions. Furthermore, digitally recorded beginning teachers’ lessons and mentors’ mentoring episodes facilitated video-aided analysis of beginning teachers’ teaching for self-reflection and subsequent conversations with their mentors. Three Primary and four Secondary beginning teachers and their mentors participated in a year-long professional development, where they learnt pedagogical knowledge and viewed the exemplary videos. Qualitative data of conversations and semi-structured interview transcripts were analysed using the constant comparison method to arrive at themes to describe the influence of video in transforming the professional learning of the beginning teachers and mentors.
Scopus© Citations 1 49 - PublicationOpen AccessPosition statement on game classification for Tchoukball(National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University (NIE NTU), Singapore, 2023)
; ; Heng, Karen Shu Mei87 200 - PublicationOpen Access
151 247 - PublicationOpen AccessBeginning physical education teachers’ experience of continuing professional development and school-based mentoring(Office of Education Research, National Institute of Education, Singapore, 2020)
; ; ;Tan, Seck HeongLow, Helen Kwee FongThe transition from being students to first-year teachers can be a satisfying journey, and yet has the potential to be a significantly challenging life transition for many beginning teachers, and it is not different for any physical education (PE) teachers. This is especially so when these novice teachers are expected to fulfill similar roles and responsibilities as their more experienced counterparts in the schools. There is without a doubt that teacher education programmes provide the opportunities for these novices to develop their expected skills, knowledge, and attitudes to become qualified teachers. Therefore, it is reasonable for these individuals to learn a lot during their teacher education experiences, and to be effective at some beginning level. However, it is not reasonable to expect them to completely master these skills independently from experience alone, without any sustained and purposeful continuing professional development (CPD) and school-based support during the beginning years of their profession.
For many education systems and government, the difficulties faced by beginning teachers is of grave concern, and points to the need of specialised forms of assistance or support mechanisms, using a variety of CPD strategies, structured induction and mentoring programmes. Scholars have also argued that besides helping beginning teachers, welldesigned and high-quality CPD and school-based mentoring are critical to improving the quality of teachers, schools, and to some extent, student achievement. For the Ministry of Education (MOE), teacher continual learning and professional development, coupled with building a strong core of mentors for the younger generation of teachers, have always been a key thrust in the MOE’s strategic direction to developing a highquality teacher workforce (Heng, 2012). To support this vision, the Academy of Singapore Teachers (AST), and other specialist academies, like Physical Education Sports Teacher Academy (PESTA), have been established to spearhead professional learning and development for the subject-specific fraternity.203 224 - PublicationOpen AccessWhat matters most: Beginning and experienced teachers’ articulated noticing in physical education through pedagogies of practice(National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University (NIE NTU), Singapore, 2024)
; ; 11 1053 - PublicationOpen AccessBasic psychological need profiles and correlates in physical activity participation: A person-centered approach(Frontiers, 2021)
;Li, Chunxiao; ; ; ; ; ;Wong, Liang HanYeo, Connie Huat NeoGuided by Basic Psychological Need Theory, we investigated the combined associations between need satisfaction and need frustration (i.e., need profiles) and their relations with theoretically relevant correlates including mindfulness, physical literacy, physical activity enjoyment, and physical activity. The participants were Singapore based school students (N = 844, Mage = 12.45, SDage = 1.99, boys = 53.1%) who completed a cross-sectional survey. The results of the latent profile analysis identified four distinct need profiles: profile 1–average satisfaction and frustration (n = 364, 44.1%); profile 2–low satisfaction (n = 251, 29.7%), above average frustration; profile 3–very high satisfaction, very low frustration (n = 144, 17.1%); and profile 4–high satisfaction, very high frustration (n = 85, 10.1%). Among these, profile 3 was the most adaptive one; it had the highest levels of mindfulness, physical literacy, physical activity enjoyment, and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity. Experiences of need satisfaction countered the negative effects of need frustration on these correlates. These findings enhance our understanding of students’ psychological need experiences and highlight the need for investigating the combined associations between need satisfaction and need frustration.WOS© Citations 10Scopus© Citations 19 164 132 - PublicationOpen AccessBeginning physical education teachers’ experience of continuing professional development and school-based mentoring(National Institute of Education (Singapore), 2018)
; ; ;Tan, Seck HeongLow, Helen Kwee Fong207 268