Now showing 1 - 4 of 4
  • Publication
    Metadata only
    EMI in South-East Asia
    (Springer, 2023)
    Siregar, Fenty Lidya
    Dinh, Thuy
    İn Southeast Asia, EMİ has been increasingly popular. The study reported in this chapter focused on the Indonesian Higher Education context to investigate EMI students’ and lecturers’ perceptions and practices. It was found that policies at their institutions explicitly and implicitly reflect the compulsory use of English, the challenges in teaching and learning using EMI in both online and face-to-face contexts and the strategies to overcome those challenges which are diverse and context-specific. The results highlight the need for professional development on EMI to equip teachers with approaches to teaching effectively in English.
    Scopus© Citations 1  21
  • Publication
    Open Access
    WOS© Citations 1Scopus© Citations 4  114  518
  • Publication
    Metadata only
    Strategy instruction and enhancement of young learners' speaking skills
    (European Knowledge Development Institute, 2024)
    Despite the importance of speaking in developing learners’ command of language, due to a paucity of research in the domain, little is understood of teachers’ systematic strategy instructional practices to improve the quality of their students’ utterances. This study sought to address this gap in knowledge through the study of the practices of an experienced teacher in a Singapore primary school and another experienced teacher in an elementary school in Japan. Connecting with and drawing from Rebecca Oxford’s work on learning strategies and the development of young children’s English language skills, it aims to shed light on the value of metacognitive strategy instruction in raising children’s awareness about their own learning processes. It highlights the value of honing students’ knowledge and use of strategies for effective communication by actively engaging them in making meaning of the information they have. Teachers’ instruction on strategies for speaking significantly eases the cognitive load for learners in formulating utterances and enables them to participate meaningfully in discussions with their teachers and peers.
  • Publication
    Examining teacher expertise : a study of teacher beliefs, knowledge and practices for oral English instruction of young learners
    Despite the significance of teachers’ cognitions on their pedagogical actions, the domain of speaking has been less understood due to a paucity of research. Developing young learners’ abilities to conceptualise, formulate and articulate their ideas through accurate and fluent speech enables them to convey meaning effectively. However, teachers’ inadequate knowledge and examination washback have been observed to limit the systematic teaching of oral English in class.

    The present study was an attempt to address this gap in understanding teachers’ cognitions for oral instruction. This collective case study examined the beliefs, embodied knowledge and practices of three experienced teachers identified for their expertise in the instruction of young bilingual learners. Data from almost a year of semi-structured interviews and classroom observations in Singapore’s primary schools was analysed in a comprehensive framework incorporating the elements and processes of language teachers’ cognitions (Borg, 2006) and principles for teaching of speaking (Goh and Burns, 2012).

    Teachers’ articulations and enacted classroom practices surfaced similarities as well as differences in their beliefs and embodied knowledge, and the underlying factors. Their conceptions about the teaching and learning of oral English, their learners and themselves directed them to tap their amalgamated theoretical and practical knowledge of content, pedagogy, students, metacognition and management and organisation to carry out explicit teaching on the knowledge, skills and strategies for speaking. This embodied knowledge in turn entrenched their beliefs about the role of speaking in students’ holistic development. Teachers’ active engagement of their beliefs and embodied knowledge enhanced their capacities to raise their learners’ speaking quality.

    This research seeks to provide a nuanced understanding of the nature and interactions of teachers’ beliefs, embodied knowledge and practices. It aims to contribute theoretical propositions on the factors mediating expertise in the teaching of speaking. The study’s focus on young learners adds to the field to inform teacher education for oracy instruction.
      671  286