Chua, Bee Leng
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Chua, Bee Leng
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Psychology and Child & Human Development (PCHD)
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36 results
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- PublicationOpen AccessDevelopment and validation of a critical thinking disposition scale.(Office of Education Research, National Institute of Education, Singapore, 2020)
; The purpose of the research study was to develop and validate a critical thinking disposition scale based on the definition provided by Ennis (1996). The research questions are: 1. What type of dispositions contribute towards critical thinking? 2. Is the critical thinking dispositional scale that is developed valid and reliable?405 157 - PublicationOpen AccessPractices of Inquiry: Through the lens of the student teachers(Office of Teacher Education, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University (NIE NTU), Singapore, 2017)"The rapidly changing environment of today requires students to possess both content knowledge and the ability to adapt to novel situations. Students need to be driven by an intrinsic mindset of inquiry, coupled with the curiosity and willingness to learn and change. Dr Ruth Wong recognised the importance of such critical thinking skills in students, and the role of teachers in developing this mindset. In today's classroom, both students and teachers are required to embody the principles of inquiry. Students have to apply inquiry to their content knowledge and to situations beyond the classroom, whilst teachers apply it to expand their knowledge of their learners and use the best pedagogies to engage them."
121 701 - PublicationOpen AccessMediated learning experience: Applications in various contexts(National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University (NIE NTU), Singapore, 2016)
; 736 5734 - PublicationEmbargoPolytechnic students’ perspectives of a blended problem-based learning approach in SingaporeBlended learning has become an integral component of the curriculum in institutes of higher learning (IHL) worldwide. Problem-based Learning (PBL) is a constructivistic learning approach that can facilitate the development of 21st-century competencies such as self-directed learning (SDL) and collaborative learning (CL). This study investigated if there are any differences in Polytechnic students’ perceptions of self-directed learning and collaborative learning between the blended PBL design and the face-to-face PBL design in terms of self-directed learning and collaborative learning in Singapore. The study adopted a quasi-experimental approach, with 56 student participants completing a 36-item validated pre/post survey instrument (MSDLCL). Statistical analyses suggested that in both PBL approaches, students’ perceptions of self-directed learning with technology and collaborative learning increased significantly. Focus group discussion results suggested that while students were motivated to complete the assigned PBL tasks, they preferred to conduct collaborative learning activities in person and work on self-directed learning activities online.
24 253 - PublicationRestrictedParticipation in school-based co-curricular activities and student development: A motivation and engagement perspective(Office of Education Research, National Institute of Education, Singapore, 2020)
; ; ; ; Character, citizenship, and values are areas of education that have received increasing attention in the international community. This is also the case for Singapore (Lee, 2012) with an education system guided by the student-centric, values-driven philosophy (Ministry of Education [MOE], 2011, 2012). In his speech at the 2011 MOE Work Plan Seminar, Singapore’s Minister for Education at that time, Mr. Heng Swee Keat, highlighted, “We need to develop our children holistically, in all aspects – moral, cognitive, physical, social and aesthetic or what is termed in Chinese as 德智体群美 (de zhi ti qun mei)” (MOE, 2011, para. 16) and that, “… between academic achievement and values, it must not be “either/or”. We should strive to achieve both” (MOE, 2011, para. 53).
An important out-of-classroom experience recognised to play an important role in holistic development, character building, and 21st century skills and competencies is co-curricular activities (CCAs; Chong-Mok, 2010; MOE, 2010, 2011; Schwarz & Stolow, 2006). In Singapore, CCAs are an integral part of school curriculum and proposed to offer an authentic platform for (a) development of moral values, (b) acquisition and practice of soft skills, (c) social integration of children from differing backgrounds and ethnicities, (d) provision of safe learning environment, (e) opportunities for character and leadership development, and (f) lifelong pursuit of interests and greater outward expression (Chong-Mok, 2010; MOE, 2011). While participation in CCAs during primary education is not compulsory, CCAs are emphasized in secondary schools and categorized into Core (or Main) and Merit (or Secondary/Optional) CCAs. Core CCAs are mandatory for all students, whereas Merit CCAs are offered as an option for students with an interest in a particular CCA area. In both primary and secondary levels, the range of CCAs offered is categorized into four major groups: Physical Sports, Uniformed Groups, Visual and Performing Arts, and Clubs and Societies. With the increased investment in CCAs in Singapore schools (MOE, 2011, 2012), there is a priority to examine the potential impacts of CCAs on the holistic development of Singaporean students. This study was a timely response to this call.439 16 - PublicationOpen AccessE-portfolio in teacher education: Our journey(Office of Teacher Education, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University (NIE NTU), Singapore, 2015)
; ; ; "Preparing teachers for the 21st century era entails cognizance of the changing nature of knowledge, learning and environments. New models of knowledge building and knowledge co-creation are emerging. Personalised learning takes on new dimensions with mobile devices and new tools for sharing and meta-thinking. In teacher development, evidences from research point to the importance of teacher reflection on practice, collaborative sharing and feedback through peer and expert mentoring."204 1270 - PublicationOpen Access“Every teacher a CCE teacher”: Exploring teachers’ values pedagogy in the classroom(National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University (NIE NTU), Singapore, 2024)
; ; 89 243 - PublicationMetadata onlyThe teaching practicum in SingaporeThe teaching practicum is commonly regarded as the capstone course within teacher education programmes because the former immerses novices into the actual complexities of school teaching. Recent reforms in Singapore have increased both the duration as well as sharpened the focus of the teaching practicum experience for pre-service teachers. Benefits include providing local teachers with a better understanding of the meaning(s) of their professional work and helping them apply knowledge to act appropriately across various contexts. It also assists pre-service teachers to interrogate their teaching beliefs and classroom concepts because of increased opportunities to learn for/from practice – the theory–practice nexus is explicitly foregrounded here. This chapter describes how the new enhanced practicum model in the Post Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) can shape their emerging identities as teachers as well as to help them inquire deeper into their professional practices. The authors conclude by discussing some implementation issues and possible refinements to the existing practicum model in Singapore.
72 - PublicationOpen AccessNational survey of literature teachers’ beliefs and practices(National Institute of Education (Singapore), 2020)
; ; ; ;Meenakshi Palaniappan ;Ismath BeeviNah, Dominic441 308 - PublicationRestrictedDesigning an instrument to assess the outcomes of an outdoor education programme under the MOE outdoor education masterplan on secondary student participants(Office of Education Research, National Institute of Education, Singapore, 2020)
; ;Ho, Susanna Choon Mei; ; MOE and MCCY have been working on a National Outdoor Adventure Education (NOAE) Master Plan since 2014. The NOAE Master Plan intends for the entire cohort of secondary 3 students to experience a capstone 5-day expedition-based programme at Outward Bound Singapore (Ubin / Coney campuses). This programme aims to strengthen our youths’ self resilience and social cohesion, where students from different schools will be mixed together. Shared common experiences will be created through team-based challenges and expeditions around our island. There is currently a lack of valid and reliable instruments that allows educators to assess learners’ values and dispositions such as confidence, resilience, independence and inter-dependence during the expedition-based camping experiences. Thus, there is a need to develop and validate instruments to collect information on the different aspects of the secondary three students during such adventure-based camp experiences, as well as to inform future refinement for outdoor education for all students.226 28