Now showing 1 - 10 of 62
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Examining the effectiveness of self-referenced and peer-referenced learning analytics dashboards in enhancing students' self-efficacy: Taking individual differences into account
    Jonathan, Christin
    Tan, Jennifer Pei-Ling
    This study examined the effectiveness of self-referenced and peer-referenced learning analytics (LA) dashboards in enhancing students’ self-efficacy in critical reading, taking individual differences into account. A quasi-experiment with an embedded mixed methods approach was used, with 209 Grade 9 students who participated in critical reading online discussions in the English Language (EL) subject during a nine-week trial. Multiple regression analysis revealed that individual differences, namely, learning goals, performance goals, and gender, were significant predictors of critical reading self-efficacy, whereas dashboard type and initial achievement levels were not. Epistemic network analysis highlighted the importance of students’ perceptions of how helpful and motivating they found the dashboards to be. Put together, the results highlight the theoretical and methodological importance of taking individual differences into account and have practical implications for designing more purposeful formative LA dashboards for enhancing students’ self-efficacy.
      106  188
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Enhancing a techno-pedagogical tool for student teamwork growth
    Advani, Varun K.
    Tee, Yi Huan
    Dhivya Suresh
    Tan, Jennifer Pei-Ling
    Teamwork is one of the core competencies for the 21st century student and it is important to promote the development of the skills needed in teamwork. In this study, we continue the development and trial of a techno-pedagogical tool My Groupwork Buddy (MGB), designed to support student teamwork awareness, reflection and growth. The system has been trialled with students in two Secondary Schools, involved in collaborative inquiry tasks. Employing design-based research, we focus on the latest two trials of MGB. Drawing from feedback obtained during the study, we refined and evaluated MGB with its related design principles. The continued enhancement of MGB through iterative trials has enabled the evolution of a platform capable of supporting the formative assessment approach of teamwork growth for 21st century students.
      350  140
  • Publication
    Metadata only
    A systematic review on student-facing learning analytics dashboards: Reference frames and indicators
    (IEEE, 2024)
    Kew, Si Na
    Choo, Zi Luan
    Jonathan, Christin Rekha
    As the integration of technology in education undergoes continuous development, Learning Analytics Dashboards (LADs) have become vital tools for both instructors and learners, facilitating the monitoring and optimization of the learning experience. Student-facing LADs have been designed with various reference frames which enable various feedback, comparisons and reflection. However, there has been limited examination of the reference frames and their indicators employed in student-facing LADs as well as its evaluation. This research aims to address this gap by conducting a systematic literature review using PRISMA to synthesize existing literature to identify and offer insights on reference frames and key indicators used in student-facing LADs. We identified 42 articles and analyzed that social reference frames as compared to progress reference frames are commonly employed in LADs. Key indicators include class performance average, class performance mean, average performance of the class, etc. These insights contribute to the ongoing development and best practices of LAD design. The knowledge and findings can help educators, researchers, system designers and policymakers decide how best to incorporate these tools into educational settings.
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Formatively assessing teamwork in technology-enabled twenty-first century classrooms: Exploratory findings of a teamwork awareness programme in Singapore
    (Taylor & Francis, 2018) ;
    Hong, Helen
    Tan, Jennifer Pei-Ling
    Teamwork, one of the core competencies for the twenty-first century learner, is a critical skill for work and learning. However, assessing teamwork is complex, in particular, developing a measure of teamwork that is domain-generic and applicable across a wide range of learners. This paper documents one such study that leverages technology to help provide a formative assessment of teamwork. It focuses on the self and peer ratings of a teamwork measure and a pedagogical method, which was trialled as a teamwork awareness programme in a mainstream Secondary School in Singapore. This teamwork awareness programme was incorporated into the school’s Interdisciplinary Project Work curriculum. Findings of students’ experiences of the programme are described. The teamwork competency dimension of ‘team emotional support’ was rated highest amongst students. Also, students’ report gains in teamwork awareness, mixed engagement in reflective practices, and on the real-world relevancy of the programme. Discussions and implications of the findings follow.
    WOS© Citations 10Scopus© Citations 17  126  532
  • Publication
    Open Access
    A taxonomy for teacher-actionable insights in learning analytics
    (2017) ;
    Tan, Jennifer Pei-Ling
    In the field of learning analytics (LA), actionable insight from LA designs tends to be a buzzword without clear understandings. As the teacher is a key stakeholder, what teacher-actionable insights can be derived from LA designs? Towards providing greater clarity on this issue, we concretize a taxonomy of LA decision support for teacher-actionable insights in student engagement. Four types of decision support are conceived in this taxonomy with relevant teacher implications. Through this taxonomy, we hope to offer possible pathways for actionable insight in LA designs and make clearer the role of the teacher.
      242  349
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Editorial: Pushing boundaries, taking risks
    (Taylor & Francis, 2015) ;
    Yeo, Jennifer Ai Choo
    Scopus© Citations 6  390  261
  • Publication
    Curriculum innovation and the nurturing of twenty-first century learners
    (Office of Education Research, National Institute of Education, Singapore, 2020)
    Tan, Liang See
    ; ; ;
    Tan, Keith Chiu Kian
    Koh, Kar Boon
    Quek, Chwee Geok
    Liew, Poh Yin
    Tan, Ban Huat
    The implementation of Integrated Programme (IP) to allow students to skip a high-stakes examination at the end of Year 4 is an unprecedented step in the history of Singapore’s education. This study was timely in collecting baseline data at the beginning of the IP within the same school that offers the express (“O” level) track and thus allows the comparison of pre- and post- IP data between the Express and IP students. Such a research design was not possible in an earlier Ministry of Education (MOE) IP study as the schools involved then only had students in the IP path. However, this NIE-study provides more in-depth knowledge about the IP intervention and how it affects learning with greater confidence. Specifically, the data from this study provides multiple forms of comparisons that is, IP versus Express programme outcomes; General Certificate of Education (GCE) “A” levels versus International Baccalaureate learning pathways by which 21st century competencies (that is, critical thinking, creative thinking and readiness for self-directed learning) have been achieved. Finally, this study includes an additional measure of creative thinking, which was absent in the MOE IP study. The study also provides insights into how different school types that is, autonomous versus independent schools, respond to curriculum innovation in the context of IP. The question therefore is will the removal of the high stakes examination in fact provide a conducive space to build teachers’ adaptive expertise (Hatano & Inagaki, 1984) in curricular innovations?
      212  11
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Curriculum perspectives and leadership in innovations for the nurturing of 21st century learners.
    (National Institute of Education (Singapore), 2019)
    Tan, Liang See
    ; ; ;
    Quek, Chwee Geok
    Khong, Beng Choo
    Koh, Lauren Kar Boon
    Tan, Keith Chiu Kian
      352  189
  • Publication
    Open Access
    AI in education and learning analytics in Singapore: An overview of key projects and initiatives
    (Japan Society for Educational Technology & Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education, 2023) ; ;
    Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education and learning analytics (LA) tools are increasingly being developed and implemented to enhance teaching and learning within Singapore’s education landscape. This paper provides an overview of key AI in education and LA projects and initiatives in Singapore, organized by the types of technology. The identified projects and initiatives involve a range of techniques and systems to achieve personalized learning, improve student engagement, optimize resources, and also predict student success among a list of educational outcomes. We briefly describe each identified project before further discussing the collective impact and limitations, as well as the implications for Singapore and her education environments. Overall, this paper seeks to provide an overview of the state and use of AI and LA in education-related projects within Singapore and highlights the need for further research and development in this area to fully realize the potential of these technologies for improvement of teaching and learning.
      39  115
  • Publication
    Metadata only
    Infusing the teamwork innovation my groupwork buddy in schools: Enablers and impediments
    (Springer, 2021) ;
    Tan, Jennifer Pei-Ling
    Hong, Helen
    Dhivya Suresh
    Tee, Yi Huan
    Teamwork is an important twenty-first-century competency to be nurtured in our young. In this eduLab Information and Communications Technology (ICT) innovation, My Groupwork Buddy (MGB), a techno-pedagogical system, was developed using design-based research for secondary school students in collaborative inquiry projects from any subject domain. Co-designed with a team of researchers, teachers and education officers, MGB aimed to nurture teamwork competency through its blended pedagogical framework, formative assessment measures and a web-based learning analytics system. The innovation was successfully trialled over two and a half years in two schools, across two subjects, and used by 12 teachers and over 200 students. This chapter will examine the enablers and impediments of infusing the innovation from the design team’s perspective. Insights of key conditions for the innovation to take root, and its possible infusion in the school system will be discussed. Practical implications for practice and policy will also be described in light of MGB’s journey in Singapore’s educational context.