Xu, Feng
- PublicationMetadata only也谈短语与句子接口——汉语完句成分的再思考汉语短语实现为句子需要完句成分作为支撑,现有完句成分的几种归因解释还存在一些不足。完句成分研究中应注意区分语言和言语这两个不同层面的句子,对于语句信息量的计算既要考虑整体的认知推理解读,也要考虑不同类型完句 成分的分项要求,而教学中完句成分的确立应以最小基础句为出发点,避免将“完句”问题扩大为不同层面的多因语误。
39 - PublicationMetadata only处理汉语兼类词的再思考——基于《汉语水平词汇和文字等级大纲》兼类词的统计与分析本文对《汉语水平词汇与文字等级大纲》中的兼类词作了较为详尽的统计分析并与《现代汉语词典》(2005版)进行了对比。统计分析表明,即便采取较为宽松的标准,汉语兼类词的数量也有限,不会造成所谓兼类过多的情况。兼类词处理上的不同是“小范围内的大麻烦”,而麻烦的部分原因恰恰与以往担心兼类过多而将自指类动名兼类词单类化的做法有关。辞书与教材标注词性的主要目的是概括反映词语的句法属性,帮助学习者掌握词语的用法。兼类词标注的单类化会在词语用法的解释和处理上遇到一定的困难,从语言教学角度看,《大纲》和《现汉》采取兼类词从严标准的处理办法值得商榷。
25 - PublicationMetadata only双语政策下的新加坡华文教育:问题与挑战本文通过对新加坡华语地位变迁的考察,探讨了新加坡华文教育所面对的一些问题。文章指出由于新加坡政府所实行的双语政策是一种非平行的双语教育,同时由于政府对不同语言定位的导向不同,使得华文教育面临结构性和根本性的困难。如果不采取切实有效的措施拓展华语的应用空间、提升华语的实际地位,双语政策有可能会演变成一种有其名无其实的局面,新加坡人兼通双语的竞争优势也将一去不返。
102 - PublicationMetadata only关于新加坡华语语法教学的若干思考本文通过对新加坡华语语法教学现状的分析,提出必须对新加坡华语语法教学重新认识,并结合新加坡华语语言环境的变迁,讨论语法教学中语法变异的处理等问题。本文认为,在新加坡华语教学中必须强化语法教学,区分不同类型的语法变异,通过情景和任务教学法来构建儿童华语语法能力,强调应充分利用学习者的英语第一语言能力辅助实现华语语法能力的形成和发展。
21 - PublicationMetadata only国际汉语基础教材练习的设置与编写练习是国际汉语教材的重要组成部分。国内所编写的对外汉语教材练习在对语言结构和功能的设置编排上有优势,而海外学者所编写的练习则在把握海外汉语学习者需求上有更为准确、清晰而深刻的认识,针对性更强。国际汉语基础教材中练习的设置和编写需要借鉴和吸收已有教材的优点,取长补短,从而进一步在细节上落实“学习者为中心”和“交际任务导向”的编写原则。
44 - PublicationOpen Access从认知策略看新版新加坡小学华文教材练习的编写—以《欢乐伙伴》四年级华文活动本(上册)为例 (The design and writing of new Chinese exercise book of primary school in Singapore: A cognitive strategy perspective)(National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University (NIE NTU), Singapore, 2019)语言学习离不开语言训练,有效的练习设计是语言教学质量和效力的重要前提和保证。练习既是教材的重要组成部分,也是教学实施的关键环节。相对语文与对外汉语教材练习的研究,华文教材练习的研究成果并不多。在中国大陆CNKI文献系统中,有关“华文”练习的研究只有期刊两篇与硕士论文两篇,且这些研究都未涉及新加坡华文教材练习。本文以新加坡小学华文教材《欢乐伙伴》四年级华文活动本(上册)为样本,对新加坡小学新版华文教材的练习进行初步分析与研究。本文从语言教学的认知策略视角切入,总结新加坡小学新编华文教材练习设计的总体特征,指出其优点和可进一步改进之处。本研究有助于加深对华文练习的认识,也能为教师高效运用课本练习提供相关参考意见。
238 1390 - PublicationMetadata only“把NP一V”的句法、语义和语用功能本文对现代汉语“把NP一V”的句法特点、语法意义和语用功能作了分析和解释。“把NP一V”具有强烈的单音节动作动词要求和后续小句强制要求,与一般“把”字句的动补糅合表达不同,“把NP一V”采取分视域表达;而与其它形式的“一V”句相比,该句式则突出了“主观处置意义”,突显施动者对某事物的某一处置动作,从而强调其与后续动作/行为结果/状态之间的紧密衔接关系。这种主观化的分视域表达能够强化情景特征,具有特别的生动意义。
44 - PublicationMetadata only《现代汉语学习词典》成语条目中的几个问题本文对《现代汉语学习词典》所收部分成语词条作了分析和讨论,认为这些成语在出条形式、意义解释、配例和用法说明等几个方面都还存在着一些不足。学习词典在处理成语词条时应更多地从现代汉语学习者学习的角度考虑,只有在借鉴前人的基础上细加推敲,才能真正突出学习特点,成为不同类型汉语学习词典中的楷模。
31 - PublicationRestrictedA study of spoken Chinese vocabulary in primary school in Singapore: A case study of "HuanLe HuoBan" textbook(National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University (NIE NTU), Singapore, 2024)
;Bak, Wai LengSince 2015, the introduction of the new syllabus, "Primary Chinese Language Curriculum Standards" (小学华文课程标准), has marked a notable development in Chinese language education in Singapore. With a focus on enhancing language proficiency among primary school students, the Ministry of Education (MOE) introduced this curriculum to set standards for teaching Chinese (2015: page 6). This initiative underscores the significance of language proficiency in the overall curriculum. Specifically, the "cultivating language abilities" (培养语言能力) was elevated to the primary goal in the 2007 curriculum standards and continued to be emphasized in the 2015 revision, highlighting its paramount importance in the Chinese language curriculum (Wang & Zhang, 2019).
The 2015 curriculum standards outlined specific outcomes, emphasizing the importance of students developing comprehensive language abilities, including listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Primary school students were expected to achieve goals such as understanding information from various sources, expressing personal thoughts clearly, independent reading, using common writing techniques, engaging in oral and written communication, and integrating language skills for effective interaction.
In light of the emphasis on spoken language skills in the revised curriculum, this research aims to evaluate the effectiveness of current teaching materials, with a specific focus on spoken vocabulary taught in the "HuanLeHuoBan" textbook. The study seeks to determine whether the materials aligned with the new syllabus adequately address the spoken vocabulary development needs of primary school students.
23 41 - PublicationRestrictedA statistical analysis of vocabulary practice in Chinese activity books for primary three to six in Singapore(National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University (NIE NTU), Singapore, 2023)
;Phang, Yun XuanVocabulary compilation is an essential and important component of textbook writing, which directly affects the quality of textbook writing. The primary school stage is a crucial period for establishing a strong foundation in language, and the type and quantity of vocabulary input, the effectiveness and interest of vocabulary practice, etc., all directly affect the learners' current learning outcomes and future language learning needs. This article aims to conduct a preliminary analysis and study of the vocabulary exercises in Singapore primary school Chinese activity books, using "Xiao Xue" (小学华文) and the "Happy Partners" (欢乐伙伴) Chinese activity books for primary three to six (volumes one and two) as samples. This research will summarize the overall characteristics of the newly compiled vocabulary practices as well as pointing out their advantages and areas that can be further improved.21 63