Chian, Zason Lit Khoon
- PublicationEmbargoDevelopment and validation of an attitude measure in open water activities
Although individual attitudes play a critical role in understanding risky behaviors during open water activities, an attitude scale for open water activities has not yet been developed in the fields of sports and leisure. Thus, this study developed and validated an attitude scale for open water activities (AS-OWA) to better understand participants’ safety perceptions. For the pilot study (n = 226) and the main study (n = 392), we collected data from individuals participating in open water activities. Results showed that the AS-OWA comprised 27 items across four subfactors (i.e. appreciation, determination, imprudence, and caution) and had adequate psychometric properties. The findings of this study contribute to predicting the risky behaviors of open water activity participants and support the development of educational and intervention programs to minimize the fatality rate related to drowning.
69 20 - PublicationOpen AccessPredicting physical activity intention and behaviour using achievement goal theory: A person-centered analysis(Elsevier, 2016)
; ;Morin, Alexandre J. S.; The purpose of the current study was to identify the 2 x 2 achievement goals profiles at the intraindividual level using a latent profile analyses (LPA) approach while controlling for the nesting of students within classroom. Additional analyses involving the direct inclusion of predictors and outcomes to the final latent profile solution were also used to examine the relationships between the latent profiles and perceived motivational climate, intention to be physically active and physical activity participation. A sample of 1810 school children aged 14 to 19 years drawn from 79 classes in 13 Singaporean schools took part in the study. Using the latent profile analysis, four distinct motivational profiles could be identified. The results from multinomial logistic regressions showed that profile membership was significantly predicted by perceptions of mastery and performance climate. Finally, the results showed that the four profiles differed significantly in terms of intention to be physically active and physical activity participation.WOS© Citations 24Scopus© Citations 23 228 611 - PublicationOpen AccessFacilitating flow in band: Learning with joy in the 21st century(National Institute of Education (Singapore), 2022)
; ; ; ;Leong, Wei Shin ;Ee, RachelChew, Winnie262 335 - PublicationOpen AccessSports participation and moral development outcomes: Examination of validity and reliability of the prosocial and antisocial behavior in sport scaleThe purpose of the study was to examine the psychometric properties of the Prosocial and Antisocial Behavior in Sport Scale (PABSS) developed by Kavussanu and Boardley [13] to measure moral behaviors in Singapore’s context. A total of 574 (boys = 296, girls = 278) school team athletes were recruited for the study. Results showed that internal reliability, convergent validity and discriminant validity of the PABSS were supported. Evidence of configural, metric and scalar invariance of the PABSS across school and gender groups were also found. The findings suggest that the PABSS can be used to measure prosocial and antisocial behaviors among school athletes in Singapore.
WOS© Citations 9Scopus© Citations 10 370 593 - PublicationOpen AccessCompetence, autonomy, and relatedness in the classroom: Understanding students’ motivational processes using the self-determination theoryThe purpose of the current study is to examine the relationships between need satisfaction, motivation, and outcomes as well as the differential effects of the three psychological needs. The sample consisted of 1549 students from 10 secondary schools in Singapore. Structural equation modelling (SEM) analysis showed that students’ psychological needs are positively related to autonomous motivation, and this in turn, lead to higher enjoyment, value and lower pressure. On the other hand, the three psychological needs were negatively related to controlled motivation. Controlled motivation was positively related to pressure but negatively related to enjoyment and value. In terms of the differential effects of the three psychological needs, relatedness contributed strongly to autonomous motivation, compared to autonomy and competence. In contrast, while autonomy and relatedness contributed to controlled motivation negatively, competence positively predicted controlled motivation. Finally, competence was found to link to pressure in a negative way. In summary, the findings of the current study provide support to the propositions of SDT and add some insight to the differential effects of the three psychological needs.
WOS© Citations 62Scopus© Citations 90 473 719 - PublicationOpen AccessFactors influencing teachers’ use of motivational strategies in the classroom.(National Institute of Education (Singapore), 2019)
; ; ; ; Reeve, Johnmarshall160 150 - PublicationOpen AccessSubjective knowledge in open water activities: Scale development and validationSubjective knowledge is a significant factor influencing individuals’ behaviors. It plays a critical role in preventing people from tragic event during open water activities (OWAs). However, a measurement scale for subjective knowledge in OWAs has not been developed and comprehensively investigated in the field of maritime and coaching studies. Therefore, this study aimed to develop and validate a subjective knowledge scale in OWAs (SKS-OWA) to better understand participants’ safety perceptions. We collected data from individuals who participated in OWAs within three years in Singapore. This study conducted the pilot study (n = 260) and the main study (n = 453) and employed a rigorous scale development procedure to assess the psychometric properties of the SKS-OWA. The findings of this study contribute to a better understanding of subjective knowledge in OWAs, and the SKS-OWA can be used to help coaches and practitioners to plan their training programs, increase public awareness, and reduce the rates of deaths from drowning.
46 173 - PublicationOpen AccessWhat determines teachers’ use of motivational strategies in the classrooms? A self-determination theory perspective(Sage, 2020)
; ; ;Reeve, Johnmarshall; This study examined the antecedents of teachers’ use of motivational strategies in the classroom using self-determination theory. It was found that teachers’ autonomous causality orientation, perceived job pressure, and perception of student self-determined motivation influenced their need satisfaction. In turn, their need satisfaction had a positive direct impact on autonomous motivation. In addition, teachers’ perception of their students’ self-determined motivation directly predicted teachers’ use of three motivational strategies in the classroom. Finally, their autonomous motivation positively predicted providing instrumental help and support and meaningful rationale, whereas controlled motivation negatively predicted providing instrumental help and support.WOS© Citations 8Scopus© Citations 17 315 457 - PublicationEmbargoTrends of physical activity and sedentary behaviours among secondary school students in Singapore: What has changed in 15 years?(Taylor & Francis, 2024)
; ; ; ; ; ;Sumarta, Tin Tin; ;Tan, Yi JieGooley, JoshuaThe objective of the current study was to examine the trends of physical activity (PA) and sedentary behaviour (SB) of adolescents in Singapore with two datasets 15 years apart (2006 and 2021). A total sample of 1075 secondary students (mean age = 14.91 ± 0.43 years old) from 15 schools in Singapore took part in the study. A seven-day recall Self-administered Physical Activity Checklist (SAPAC) questionnaire was used to capture time spent on the internet/computer, gaming, homework, reading, sitting and talking/listening to music, telephone, television watching, and PA. Results showed that the 2021 sample spent significantly more time on gaming, homework, sit and talk/listening to music, phone, and PA compared to the 2006 sample, while time spent watching television was significantly lower than the 2006 sample. Both datasets found PA had low or close to zero correlations with all the seven SB, however, the patterns of correlations were different in the two datasets, indicating changes in the trends of SB and PA. Cluster analysis found similar cluster profiles in the two samples but the cluster proportions for certain profiles were different from the two datasets. Significant sex differences were also found in the cluster compositions. Overall, this study shows that PA and SB trends of adolescents have changed significantly.37 10