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Fostering a cross-contextual language learning practice through social media creation and social interaction processes

2015, Wong, Lung Hsiang, Aw, Guat Poh, Chai, Ching Sing, Liu, May

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创造第二语言习得的新时空观: 无缝语言学习框架

2015, Aw, Guat Poh, Wong, Lung Hsiang, Chai, Ching Sing, Liu, Mei

众所周知,第二语言的课堂学习需要自然习得的支持,但是,第二语言学习也因习得时间与空间受限,所学知识无法获得转化而影响学习效率。本文透过由流动学习(Mobile Learning)研究分支出来的“无缝学习”理念的沿革,提出“无缝语言学习”的框架,希望通过拓展第二语言习得的时间与空间,提高语言学习的自主意识与应用机会。此框架建立于社会建构主义学习理论和泛在学习理论这两种基础上,结合“学习”与“习得”两种语言学习范式,创设出一种崭新的学习时空观,它跨越多种学习空间(如正式与非正式学习空间、个人与社群学习空间、现实与虚拟学习空间);让语言学习方式和历程持续不辍:语言输入与输出活动交互循环;语言学习、应用和反思;多种语言技能的组合使用;鼓励学习者自主学习、通过社交互动进行语言知识的构建。我们将以“语飞行云”研究项目为例子,具体说明无缝语言学习框架如何创设第二语言习得的时空观。

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Effects of a machine learning-empowered Chinese character handwriting learning tool on rectifying legible writing in young children: A pilot study

2023, Wong, Lung Hsiang, Aw, Guat Poh, Sun, He, Ching, Chiuan Yen, Teo, Chor Guan, Wen, Yun

The logographic nature of Chinese script is a major dissuading factor for learning handwriting. The challenge is the complex psycholinguistic process behind handwriting. Thus, we developed AI-Strokes, a Chinese handwriting learning tool that assists teachers in facilitating students’ handwriting practice in various modalities, and provides personalized feedback for the students. By leveraging a trainable Machine Learning back-end framework, the tool diagnoses and scores students’ handwriting errors. This paper reports a pilot study in a Singapore primary school with an early prototype of AI-Strokes. Two classes of students went through AI-Strokes-based Chinese handwriting lessons (the experimental group) and conventional lessons (the control group) respectively. Pre- and post-tests were administered, and their handwriting processes were analyzed regarding errors in stroke orders, extra/missing strokes, and errors in stroke directions. The results show that the experimental group has yielded significantly better learning gains than the control group. It is posited that the personalized feedback of AI-Strokes has formed a feedback loop to support students’ trial-and-error process in improving their handwriting skills. The multimodal handwriting task design may have also fostered their orthographic awareness through the activation of alternative psycholinguistic pathways during their handwriting lessons.

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The suitability and practicality of Singapore's modular primary school textbook in the teaching of Chinese as a second language

2009, Tan, Chee Lay, Chin, Chee Kuen, Aw, Guat Poh


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2014, Aw, Guat Poh, Tay, Choon Hong, Lin, Shu Mei, Wang, Shu Yu, Yang, Zhu, Zhong, Chao Hui, Liang, Shi Rong, Hu, Guo Hong


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Open Access


2023, Aw, Guat Poh, Sun, Li

基于社会语言学的视角,语言认同实质是指语言身份认同,与 语言态度、语言意识、语言使用密切相关。在多语多文化的新加坡社会 情境中,双重或多重语言认同是必然现象。本文首先通过对新加坡由英 语、母语(华语、马来语、淡米尔语)、华族方言、新加坡式英语、新 加坡式华语和其他语言交互构成的多种双语或双言现象的描述分析,总 结新加坡双语双言现象。并结合 2017年新加坡国族认同调查与2020年 人口普查数据,从国家认同、族群认同、文化认同三个方面探讨语言 认同与双语双言现象的关系,阐明新加坡的双语言现象有其国情的 特殊性,有利于创新新加坡语言问题的研究路径。

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从课堂话语分析谈教师转变—新加坡小学低年级听说课例个案研究 [A discussion of teachers change from the perspectives of classroom discourse analysis: A case study of listening and speaking lesson in Singapore primary school]

2019, Aw, Guat Poh, Tan, Kar Chun, Lye, Choon Hwan, Lim, Kwee Hua, Tong Qiying

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Open Access

基于“五益模型”的同侪互评对二语学生写作能力的影响——以新加坡小学 写作课为例 = The impact of peer evaluation using the Spiral Model of Collaborative Knowledge Improvement (SMCKI) on second language writing ability: An exploratory study in a Singapore primary school writing class

2023, Jiao, Fuzhen, Chen, Wenli, Aw, Guat Poh, Wang, Bing


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Open Access

Bridging self-directed learning and collaborative learning to nurture Chinese language communicative skills of young pupils

2022, Wong, Lung Hsiang, Aw, Guat Poh

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Er shi shi ji qi ba shi nian dai Xin Hua nu xing xiao shuo zuo zhe de shi jie = The worlds of Singapore Chinese female writers of fiction : a study of short stories and novellas during the seventies and eighties from a feminist perspective

2002, Aw, Guat Poh

This dissertation is a comprehensive study of Singapore Chinese female writers' short stories and novellas from 1970 to 1989. The idea of the four coordinates of artist/writer, text, universe/world, and audience/reader in literary creation/criticism as proposed by M.H.Abrams and modified by James J.Y. Liu is adopted as an organizing framework. The concepts of diachronic and synchronic used in linguistics are also incorporated. The dissertation includes 283 short stories and novellas. From a feminist perspective, the study focuses on the three "worlds" of Singapore Chinese female writers: namely, the diachronic, the synchronic and the textual worlds. It comprises seven chapters.

The first chapter begins with a definition of key terms and concepts in the dissertation. A brief introduction to Singapore Chinese literature in general and Singapore Chinese female literature in particular is provided in the course. This is followed by an explanation of the theoretical framework of the dissertation and its structure.

The second and third chapters focus on the diachronic and synchronic worlds of Singapore Chinese female writers. The second chapter examines the status of Singapore women from 1819 to 1969. Special attention is paid to the status of Singapore Chinese women. The aim is to explore into their diachronic world. The third chapter looks into their synchronic world. The changes in women's status from 1970 to 1989 are outlined and analyzed. The cultural, economical, educational as well legal statuses of women are reviewed. These chapters serve to lay a foundation for us to examine how the realistic diachronic and synchronic worlds will influence the textual world of Singapore Chinese female writers.

Chapters four to six form the main theme of the dissertation. Chapter four discusses the influences of both the diachronic and synchronic worlds on the textual world of Singapore Chinese female writers in general while chapters five and six explores into the private and public spheres of Singapore Chinese women as reflected the textual world in particular. The subject matters, themes and the literary techniques and language use are dealt with in chapter four. Chapter five highlights the private sphere where the themes of love and marriage are dominant. Chapter six probes into the public sphere, where the social domain is the focus.

The last chapter, the Conclusion, reexamines the textual world of Singapore Chinese female writers from a feminist perspective.