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    教师专业社群研究方法个案研究: 以课例研究与课堂观察工具与的结合为例
    (台湾华语文教学学会, 2014)
    教师专业发展乃当前华语文教师素质研究中的重要课题。近年来,以单堂课为研究对象的课例研究(Lesson Study)也开始被引入新加坡华语文教学中,成为目前学校教师专业发展的重要平台。课例研究起源于20 世纪60 年代的日本,是日本教师校内专业培训的质化手段,是通过教师集体协作过:备课、观课、反思来改进教学,从而促进专业社群的知识构建。笔者发现,由于课例研究在观课过程中缺乏科学性的记录与分析,因此相对依赖教师个人的洞察力,在反思讨论时,经常出现讨论流于主观论断、因个人观察点有异,讨论时难以聚焦,而导致研究效度不稳定。笔者于是借鉴起源于美国的课堂观察工具,(classroom observation)尝试提高课例研究的效度。课堂观察主要通过观察、记录和研究课堂运行状态,提取质化与量化资料来说明教师具体、深入了解课堂,从而改进教学。笔者于2012 年与两所小学合作,首次将两种方法结合,进行一次个案研究。本论文将提出两者结合之后的研究目的、步骤,并以具体的质化与量化资料来验证研究的效度。实验结果显示,结合课堂观察方法和课例研究的工具,是有效的教师专业社群研究方法,能更有效协助教师进行更聚焦、更有深度的转化学习,构建教师专业社群知识,进而促进教师专业成长。
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    自21世纪素养教育提出以来,价值观就备受世界各国的关注,被视为是核心素养之核心,各国纷纷提出清晰、 明确取向的价值理念,以作为落实核心素养培养系统中的首要内涵。有效传授价值观的策略很多,融入课程与教材则是最普遍的做法,尤其是通过语文教材来体现价值观。在新加坡华文教学中,除了静态的纸板教材之外,人文素养与价值观内涵也渗透入以多模态教材-录像为触媒的说话任务中,录像说话已成中小学华文评估里的重要考查模式。录像为多模态形式里最接近真实生活、最生动的语言教材,对学生思想的影响力显而易见。本研究以现代多模态说话教材为研究范围,收集40个中小学录像说话教材,以主题编码分析法为探究策略,深入分析多模态教材如何呈现价值观教育内容。研究结果显示,新加坡已形成“VSK价值观导向”的课程设计模式,而新加坡母语教学下的听说口语目标可定位为价值文化导向下的语言互动。价值观教育编码主题为价值观内容(220)、实践技能(191)、信念意识建设(140)与学习成果(235),一共969条编码。分析结果有五大发现:一、与个人价值素养相比,价值观教育更重视人际关系与社会意识培养;二、和谐的社会意识是新加坡核心价值观教育中的重中之重;尊重、关爱、负责任、正直等的伦理导向的关系管理、情绪管理与人际沟通技巧则是达成和谐社会的方法。三、“坚毅”是六大核心价值观中被忽略的缺口。四、小学阶段是价值观教育灌输的重点奠基阶段;五、录像的多模态教材呈现形式以动画视觉为主,旁白听觉点睛的互补策略进行。
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    Er shi shi ji qi ba shi nian dai Xin Hua nu xing xiao shuo zuo zhe de shi jie = The worlds of Singapore Chinese female writers of fiction : a study of short stories and novellas during the seventies and eighties from a feminist perspective
    This dissertation is a comprehensive study of Singapore Chinese female writers' short stories and novellas from 1970 to 1989. The idea of the four coordinates of artist/writer, text, universe/world, and audience/reader in literary creation/criticism as proposed by M.H.Abrams and modified by James J.Y. Liu is adopted as an organizing framework. The concepts of diachronic and synchronic used in linguistics are also incorporated. The dissertation includes 283 short stories and novellas. From a feminist perspective, the study focuses on the three "worlds" of Singapore Chinese female writers: namely, the diachronic, the synchronic and the textual worlds. It comprises seven chapters.

    The first chapter begins with a definition of key terms and concepts in the dissertation. A brief introduction to Singapore Chinese literature in general and Singapore Chinese female literature in particular is provided in the course. This is followed by an explanation of the theoretical framework of the dissertation and its structure.

    The second and third chapters focus on the diachronic and synchronic worlds of Singapore Chinese female writers. The second chapter examines the status of Singapore women from 1819 to 1969. Special attention is paid to the status of Singapore Chinese women. The aim is to explore into their diachronic world. The third chapter looks into their synchronic world. The changes in women's status from 1970 to 1989 are outlined and analyzed. The cultural, economical, educational as well legal statuses of women are reviewed. These chapters serve to lay a foundation for us to examine how the realistic diachronic and synchronic worlds will influence the textual world of Singapore Chinese female writers.

    Chapters four to six form the main theme of the dissertation. Chapter four discusses the influences of both the diachronic and synchronic worlds on the textual world of Singapore Chinese female writers in general while chapters five and six explores into the private and public spheres of Singapore Chinese women as reflected the textual world in particular. The subject matters, themes and the literary techniques and language use are dealt with in chapter four. Chapter five highlights the private sphere where the themes of love and marriage are dominant. Chapter six probes into the public sphere, where the social domain is the focus.

    The last chapter, the Conclusion, reexamines the textual world of Singapore Chinese female writers from a feminist perspective.
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    基于“五益模型”的同侪互评对二语学生写作能力的影响——以新加坡小学 写作课为例 = The impact of peer evaluation using the Spiral Model of Collaborative Knowledge Improvement (SMCKI) on second language writing ability: An exploratory study in a Singapore primary school writing class
    (新加坡华文教研中心, 2023)
    Jiao, Fuzhen
    ; ;
    Wang, Bing
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    The suitability and practicality of Singapore's modular primary school textbook in the teaching of Chinese as a second language
    (2009) ;
    Chin, Chee Kuen
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    创造第二语言习得的新时空观: 无缝语言学习框架
    (南大-新加坡华文教研中心出版社, 2015) ; ;
    Chai, Ching Sing
    Liu, Mei
    众所周知,第二语言的课堂学习需要自然习得的支持,但是,第二语言学习也因习得时间与空间受限,所学知识无法获得转化而影响学习效率。本文透过由流动学习(Mobile Learning)研究分支出来的“无缝学习”理念的沿革,提出“无缝语言学习”的框架,希望通过拓展第二语言习得的时间与空间,提高语言学习的自主意识与应用机会。此框架建立于社会建构主义学习理论和泛在学习理论这两种基础上,结合“学习”与“习得”两种语言学习范式,创设出一种崭新的学习时空观,它跨越多种学习空间(如正式与非正式学习空间、个人与社群学习空间、现实与虚拟学习空间);让语言学习方式和历程持续不辍:语言输入与输出活动交互循环;语言学习、应用和反思;多种语言技能的组合使用;鼓励学习者自主学习、通过社交互动进行语言知识的构建。我们将以“语飞行云”研究项目为例子,具体说明无缝语言学习框架如何创设第二语言习得的时空观。
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    TELLS 科技 + 优语言空间概念下的第 二语言学习环境检测: 以新加坡"语飞行云"与"语用连群"无缝实验研究计划为例
    (中华书局(香港), 2019)
    Lek, Hui Ying
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    Shi, Hai Yan
    资讯科技迅速发展为学习架设起一个新科技空间,并成为语言学习的优空间,笔者称之为“TELLS 科技+优语言空间”(Technology Enhanced Optimal Language Learning Space)。它让封闭于课堂内的传统学习空间延伸至开放的 生活,并把课堂与生活、正式与非正式、个人与社群相互联系的桥嫁接起来,成为寻求及利用生活中的学习机遇的真实语言学习环境。此空间出现以来,有关研究犹如雨后春笋,但论述主要聚焦与技术层的讨论。本文聚焦技术科技增 强后的学习环境创设,以“语飞行云”与“语用连群”无缝学习研究案例为例,检测使用技术增强扩大语言的学习空间对华文作为第二语言学习的意义。检测立论于伯纳德·斯波尔斯基的第二语言学习条件(Conditions for Second Language Learning)。研究发现,“TELLS 科技+优语言空间”对学习成效有正面促进作用,但会因为学习对象背景不同而调动不同的语言学习条件。
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    (南京大学出版社, 2014) ;
    Tay, Choon Hong
    Lin, Shu Mei
    Wang, Shu Yu
    Yang, Zhu
    Zhong, Chao Hui
    Liang, Shi Rong
    Hu, Guo Hong
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    MyCLOUD: A seamless Chinese vocabulary-learning experience mediated by cloud and mobile technologies
    (Springer, 2016) ; ;
    Zhang, Xujuan
    Li, Yanqiu
    Quek, Guan Hui
    Studies on current Chinese language classroom instructions in Singapore’s primary and secondary schools have shown that most of the curriculum time are spent on the learning of vocabulary, with teacher-centric delivery as the dominant form of pedagogy.This study aims to explore how young students’ learning of Chinese vocabulary can be carried out in a student-centric manner. Ninety-four Primary three (nine-year-old) students participated in this study. They learned vocabulary through an innovative seamless learning environment known as MyCLOUD (My Chinese Language ubiquitOUs learning Days), mediated by cloud and mobile technologies. The MyCLOUD learning experience encompasses reading of digitised textbook passages, maintaining personalised “Mictionary” (Mobile dictionary), contextualised (authentic) photo taking and sentence-making with mobile devices, sharing of student artefacts on the MyCLOUD learning platform, and online peer interactions/evaluations. Our analysis indicates that MyCLOUD can help to increase the fluency of vocabulary use among high- and medium-level academic performers (in Chinese Language). The model led to greater opportunities for meaningful learning particularly through the learning-application-evaluation trajectory. This had resulted in a positive impact on students’ abilities to appropriately apply their learned vocabularies in greater varieties of contexts. Notwithstanding, the results also show that such a self-directed model had minimal impact on low performers, as they require greater support and more guided practice in sentence-making and peer evaluation in order to achieve significant improvement in their learning.
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